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Office of Japan
Market Access and Compliance
International Trade Administration
U.S. Department of Commerce

National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers

The "National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers (NTE)" is an annual series that surveys significant foreign barriers to U.S. exports. As required by statute, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) is required to submit to the President and Congress an annual report on significant foreign trade and investment barriers. Information is also included on some of the actions taken to eliminate foreign trade barriers. The report is based upon information compiled within USTR, the U.S. Departments of Commerce and Agriculture, other U.S. Government agencies, and U.S. Embassies abroad. It is also supplemented with information provided by the U.S. private sector. What follows are the Japan chapters of recent NTE reports.

Trade Policy Agenda and Annual Report

The "Trade Policy Agenda and Annual Report of the President of the United States on the Trade Agreements Program" are submitted to the Congress pursuant to Section 163 of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended (19 U.S.C. 2213). In addition, the report also includes an annex listing trade agreements entered into by the United States since 1984. The Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) is responsible for the preparation of the report with assistance from the Environmental Protection Agency, the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Health and Human Services, Justice, Labor, and State.

Japan Country Commercial Guide

Country Commercial Guides (CCGs) provide comprehensive views of a selected country's commercial environment including information doing business; the political and economic environment; selling U.S. products and services; leading sectors for U.S. export and investment; trade regulations and standards; investment climate; trade and project financing; business travel; contacts, market research, and trade events; and a guide to U.S. Department of Commerce services for exporters.


Public Comment Update

Regulatory Reform/Deregulation

USDOC-METI Joint Initiative

Sector-Specific Issues

Other Market-Opening Initiatives

Market Access Reports



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