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  NCD Bulletin (Electronic Edition)
A Monthly Publication of the National Council on Disability (NCD)

John R. Vaughn, Chairperson
June 2007

The Bulletin, which is free of charge and at NCD’s award-winning Web site (www.ncd.gov), brings you the latest issues and news affecting people with disabilities. To subscribe to the new NCD listserv, go to http://listserv.access.gpo.gov, click on Online mailing list archives, select NCD-NEWS-L, click on Join or leave the list, then complete the short subscription form. Please send your editorial comments to Bulletin editor Mark S. Quigley (mquigley@ncd.gov).

NCD to Release ADA Reports at Quarterly Meeting

NCD will release two reports: The Impact of the Americans with Disabilities Act: Assessing the Progress Toward Achieving the Goals of the ADA, and Implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act: Challenges, Best Practices, and New Opportunities for Success during its summer quarterly board meeting, which will take place July 24–26 at the Crowne Plaza Chicago Metro, Chicago, Illinois. A public news conference will take place on Thursday, July 26 at 10:00 a.m.

The Impact of the Americans with Disabilities Act: Assessing the Progress Toward Achieving the Goals of the ADA describes a two-year retrospective study and review of the impact the ADA has had on the lives of Americans with disabilities over the past sixteen years, with particular focus on the four major goals of the ADA—equality of opportunity, full participation, independent living, and economic self-sufficiency.

Implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act: Challenges, Best Practices, and New Opportunities for Success reflects the experiences and ideas of ADA stakeholders from around the country, including small and large businesses, employers, judges and legal professionals, governmental entities, and individuals with disabilities, concerning ADA implementation. Through this extensive stakeholder input, NCD learned of the many strategies for ADA implementation that have been successful, as well as obstacles that are preventing ADA implementation.

In addition, NCD will conduct a panel discussion on emergency preparedness on July 24 at 1:15 p.m. and a panel discussion on livable communities/best practices for mental health on July 25 at 9:30 a.m.

These meetings are open to the public. People with disabilities are encouraged to attend and participate in the daily public comment segments of the meeting.

NCD Board Transition

On June 22, the U.S. Senate confirmed Marylyn Howe of Massachusetts and Lonnie Moore of California as new NCD board members. NCD welcomes Ms. Howe and Mr. Moore.

Ms. Howe currently is the director of public policy at the Massachusetts Developmental Disabilities Council. She formerly was the executive director of the Massachusetts Assistive Technology Partnership at Children’s Hospital in Boston, where she advocated strongly for people with disabilities to become empowered and independent through technology. She is a former Board Member of the National Association of Assistive Technology Act Programs and a former President and co-founder of the Association of Late-Deafened Adults.

Ms. Howe replaces outgoing NCD member and second vice chairperson Glenn B. Anderson, Ph.D.

Mr. Moore currently serves as the Western Area Director for the Wounded Warrior Project, where he tends to the needs of wounded service members returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. In this capacity, he serves as a benefits officer, conducts business development, and creates and supports ongoing service programs. He also serves as the Western Chair for the Secretary of Veterans Affairs Service Members and Families Council. Mr. Moore was combat-wounded in Iraq, where he led more than 60 combat missions.

Mr. Moore replaces outgoing NCD board member Marco Rodriguez.

We congratulate Dr. Anderson and Mr. Rodriquez on their excellent service to NCD. We will miss their dedication to duty and their passion for disability issues. We wish them well as they pursue new challenges and opportunities.

The current board includes: John R. Vaughn, chairperson, Patricia Pound, first vice chairperson, Milton Aponte, J.D., Victoria Ray Carlson, Chad Colley, Robert R. Davila, Ph.D., Graham Hill, Marylyn Howe, Young Woo Kang, Ph.D., Kathleen Martinez, Lisa Mattheiss, Lonnie Moore, Anne M. Rader, Cynthia Wainscott, and Linda Wetters.

NCD Executive Director

Michael C. Collins of Sacramento, California, became NCD’s new executive director on June 18. He is responsible for the overall operation of NCD.

Mr. Collins was the first executive director of the California State Independent Living Council, which was created in 1996, and comes to NCD from this position. He is a long-time disability advocate who is very familiar with disability and long-term-care-related programs and services, the wide variety of disability civil rights laws, and vocational rehabilitation practices and regulations at the federal and state levels. Mr. Collins also is very familiar with the concerns and characteristics of people with all types of disabilities, as a peer, consultant, trainer, and through administration of a statewide agency addressing their needs on a daily basis.

Mr. Collins has expertise in emergency preparedness and homeland security for people with disabilities—where he has been active at local, state, and national levels.

Legislative Update

NCD board member Graham Hill presented testimony before the Subcommittee on Emergency Communications, Preparedness, and Response of the House Committee on Homeland Security, as part of its June 13, 2007, hearing, “Citizen Preparedness: Helping Our Communities Help Themselves.” The testimony concerned NCD’s ongoing commitment to evaluating government’s developing role and work in the areas of homeland security, emergency preparation and disaster relief. NCD is working to help maintain a critical focus on improving the quality of our nation’s homeland security, emergency preparedness and disaster relief systems and efforts, at all levels, for people with disabilities and for all people. The testimony focused on the important role for Community-Based Organizations in effective emergency planning efforts.

Mr. Hill’s testimony included information and recommendations from NCD’s publications on the subject, including the 2005 report, Saving Lives: Including People with Disabilities in Emergency Planning (http://www.ncd.gov/newsroom/publications/2005/saving_lives.htm), as well as The Needs of People with Psychiatric Disabilities During and After Hurricanes Katrina and Rita: Position Paper and Recommendations (http://www.ncd.gov/newsroom/publications/2006/peopleneeds.htm), The Impact of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita on People with Disabilities: A Look Back and Remaining Challenges (http://www.ncd.gov/newsroom/publications/2006/hurricanes_impact.htm#preparedness), and recommendations from the 2006 National Disability Policy: A Progress Report (http://www.ncd.gov/newsroom/publications/2006/progress_report.htm). 

For full information on the hearing and Mr. Hill’s written testimony, please go to the House Committee on Homeland Security: http://homeland.house.gov/hearings/index.asp?ID=60 and http://homeland.house.gov/SiteDocuments/20070613141202-88424.pdf

NCD also submitted testimony to the Senate Committee on Finance regarding its June 21, 2007, hearing, “Barriers to Work for Individuals Receiving Social Security Disability Benefits.” The submission included information and recommendations from NCD’s report, The Social Security Administration’s Efforts to Promote Employment for People with Disabilities: New Solutions for Old Problems (http://www.ncd.gov/newsroom/publications/2005/ssa-promoteemployment.htm).

* * *

Mark S. Quigley
Director of Communications
National Council on Disability
1331 F Street, NW Suite 850
Washington, DC 20004


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