Welcome to the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan (ACCJ)

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The 60th Anniversary Diamond Charity Ball!

Established in 1948 by representative of 40 American firms, the ACCJ has grown into one of the most influential business organizations in Japan, with more than 3,000 individual members representing more than forty countries and 1,400 companies.

ACCJ Mission
ACCJ Core Advocacy Principles
ACCJ Annual Report
ACCJ History

To view the latest ACCJ Viewpoints, please visit the Advocacy page.



ACCJ Fall Meet & Greet at the Conrad Tokyo

5 Nov 08 : Members and guests of the Fall Meet & Greet enjoyed a casual evening of drinks and networking at the glamorous Conrad Tokyo.


Northwest Airlines President & CEO Speaks to the ACCJ on the Industry

2 Oct 08 : President and CEO of Northwest Airline Douglas M. Steenland spoke about the airline industry’s fuel and regulatory environment, and Northwest’s continuing commitment to Japan and Asia/ Pacific, the challenges that Northwest faces, and how the company intends to remain a long-term industry player by focusing on what it considers to be its strengths.


Team North America takes the 6th Daimler & Chrysler Cup

26 Sep 08 : The European and North American business communities in Tokyo held their sixth friendly golf tournament at Atsugi Kokusai Country Club on 26 September in fine and warm weather.


ACCJ KANREKI SPECIAL: The Faces of CSR Half-day Symposium

10 Sep 08 : The ACCJ held a special symposium that addressed key areas, or "faces" of CSR today: the environment and energy, corporate governance, diversity, and NPO/NGO collaboration. The Symposium featured presentations from distinguished speakers with expertise in key areas of CSR.


YMCA Challenged Children's Program Update

27 Aug 08 : According to the Community Service Advisory Council Chair Tom Jordan, this year's YMCA Challenged Children's Summer Camp represented a number of "firsts."

Upcoming Events

ACCJ 2008 Person Of The Year: U.S. Ambassador To Japan J. Thomas Schieffer
10 Dec 08 The ACCJ will present its 2008 Person of the Year Award to the U.S.

Hosting Committee(s): Special Events

Leadership, Not Management In Uncertain Times For The Small To Mid- Sized Business
12 Dec 08 Crisis level events in global markets over the past weeks are forcing 
small and...

Hosting Committee(s): B2B Sales, Jointly Sponsored

Note: ACCJ events are for ACCJ members and their guests only. To learn more about becoming an ACCJ member, see the "Membership" menu of this site or contact the Membership Services Department at info@accj.or.jp / (03) 3433-7304.