Frequently Asked Questions

Interpreting America's Historic Places

If I want the Interpreting America's Historic Places designation for my project, do I need to use the separate Interpreting America's Historic Places guidelines?

Yes. A project cannot be designated by NEH as an Interpreting America's Historic Places project unless the proposal is submitted using those separate guidelines.

May I use an Interpreting America's Historic Places grant to support preservation activities?

No. America's Historic Places grants support projects that interpret--not preserve--historic places.

What counts as an historic "place"?

A historic place might be a single historic site, a series of sites, an entire neighborhood, a community or town, or a larger geographical region.

What makes an historic place "nationally significant"?

A nationally significant place could be:

  • a site or definable area where events that played a significant role in the nation's history occurred;
  • the home of a nationally significant person, family, or group;
  • the gathering site of a nationally significant group of people (e.g., a religious sect, political party, social reform organization);
  • a water or land route for trade, travel, communication, or migration in our nation's history;
  • a site or area that played a significant role in the nation's economic history (e.g., for industry, agriculture, ranching, shipping, tourism, logging, or mining);
  • a site or area that was home to a significant strain of American thought, music, literature, architecture, or another aspect of cultural history; or
  • a site or area that is important for understanding significant themes and issues in American political and social history, (e.g., the American Revolution, immigration, civil rights, education, or public health).

Should I apply for an Interpreting America's Historic Places grant or one in the "Museums and Historical Organizations" category?

You should apply for a Interpreting America's Historic Places grant if:

  • the place itself played a significant role in American history;
  • the proposed interpretation of the place addresses central themes and issues in American history;
  • the project enriches the visitor experience at one or more historic places by linking the story of those places with broader themes in American history; and
  • the specific attributes of the place--the site, its location, buildings, or other natural or built features--are an integral part of the proposed story.

How do I know whether my project is more appropriate for the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) or the National Endowment for the Humanities?

If your project involves the creation of musical compositions, dance, painting, poetry, short stories, novels, or projects that focus on arts performance or training, then NEA would be a better choice for your application.

NEH supports projects that provide an analytical, reflective, or historical perspective on the arts.

May I apply for more than one NEH grant for my project?

Yes. You may apply to support different phases and activities of your project. For example, an institution may apply for a preservation grant to stabilize its collections, a challenge grant to support a capital improvement program, or a consultation, planning, or implementation grant to mount an exhibition.

You may apply for consultation, planning, or implementation grants, either singly or in sequence, but you may not submit a second proposal for the same project if the outcome of your prior application is still pending. For example, if an applicant institution has a planning grant application pending, it may not apply for an implementation grant for the same project until it has heard the outcome of the planning grant.

Do I need to apply for a consultation grant before I apply for a planning grant or implementation grant?

No. You may apply for any type of grant--consultation, planning, or implementation--that is appropriate for the developmental stage of your project. Although many applicants find it beneficial to obtain planning funds before applying for implementation, it is not required.

What is a humanities scholar?

Someone who has an advanced degree in a discipline of the humanities is generally considered a scholar. Scholars can provide context for the project's issues and identify relevant humanities themes and ideas.

When should I consult scholars about a project?

As a general rule, the earlier scholars are involved in a project the better. Usually projects recommended for funding are ones in which scholars have helped shape the project's conceptual framework.

Is it okay to rely on a single scholar for a project?

Projects that depend on input from a single scholar are not as competitive. Working with a number of scholars allows projects to explore a diverse range of interpretive possibilities.

How do I find the right scholarly advisors for a project?

There are a variety of ways to find scholars for your project. Check with your local college or university to see if any faculty members have relevant expertise or could suggest the names of other scholars. You can also peruse bookstores to see who has written about topics related to your project. State humanities councils often maintain lists of scholars who have participated in public programs. You can also contact professional associations or consult published directories of scholars. Finally, ask for samples of funded projects to see what kinds of scholars have participated in other projects.

How long does the application review take?

The review of consultation grant applications takes normally 4-5 months; for planning and implementation applications, 6-7 months.

How long a grant period should I request?

The grant period for consultation grants and planning grants is normally about twelve months. Implementation projects normally run from two to three years, although this varies depending on the project.

What if my institution lacks the resources necessary to organize a competitive project?

Applicants are encouraged to collaborate with partner organizations on projects. Partnerships help stretch resources and expand potential audiences for projects.

If I receive NEH funding, may I also accept funding from other sources?

Yes. Applicants are encouraged to seek funding from diverse sources. Submitting proposals to other funders has no bearing on how NEH reviews proposals. We do ask that you tell us about those applications so we understand the project's funding situation.

May K-12 students participate in Public Programs projects?

Yes. Although the general public should be your main audience, you may feature ancillary programs for K-12 students or prepare curricular packets for use in schools, especially for museum projects.

Are program officers available via phone or e-mail to answer questions?

Yes. Applicants are encouraged to contact a program officer to discuss applications prior to their submission. Program officers may also look at drafts of proposals and share samples of previously funded projects. The staff can be reached at 202-606-8269 or