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Healthy Hearing 2010

How can I participate?

Schools, community groups, and other local organizations can launch Healthy Hearing projects right in their own communities to educate people about the importance of Healthy Hearing 2010. Examples of activities include holding an open house or a health-awareness day at a local health clinic, organizing a family health fair at a local mall, setting up a Healthy Hearing display at the library or a local store, holding a poster contest for children that shows ways to have healthy hearing, selling T-shirts or holding a silent auction as a fundraiser, or conducting a noise-induced hearing loss awareness program in the community. To find out more information on how your state or community can turn the objectives into actions, see the Healthy People Toolkit at

Host a Healthy Hearing 2010 Event

Conduct an Outreach Campaign

Distribute These Materials to the Public

Educate people about healthy hearing with factsheets, organization lists, and literature searches. Many of the following links will take you off of this web site. Please use the back button to return.

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National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. Celebrating 20 years of research: 1988 to 2008