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LHNCBC: Technical Reports
Technical ReportsAdobe Acrobat Reader
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Years:  2008  2007  2006  2005  2004  2003
Year 2008Back to top
Automation to Accelerate the Poduction of MEDLINE
Thoma GR, Le DX, Kim I, Kim JW, Moon C, Tran L, Zou J
(Abstract) (PDF)
NLM Medical Text Indexer:A Tool for Automatic and Assisted Indexing
Aronson AR, Mork JG, Lang FM, Rogers WJ, Neveol A
(Abstract) (PDF)
Year 2007Back to top
3D Informatics: High Performance Computing at the Lister Hill Center
Ackerman MJ, Yoo TS
(Abstract) (PDF)
Scientific Issues in the Registration of Clinical Trials
Zarin DA
(Abstract) (PDF)
Separation of Data, Interpreters and Likelihood
Kayaalp M
(Abstract) (PDF)
The Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications Annua Report FY 2007
McDonald CJ
(Abstract) (PDF)
Year 2006Back to top
A Comparison of 13 Tokenizers on MEDLINE
He Y, Kayaalp M
(Abstract) (PDF)
Advanced Library Services: Developing a Biomedical Knowledge Repository to Support Advanced Information Management Applications
Bodenreider O, Rindflesch TC
(Abstract) (PDF)
Biomedical Imagine Research and Development: Knowledge from Images in the Medical Enterprise
Thoma GR, Long LR, Antani S
(Abstract) (PDF)
The Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications Annual Report FY 2006
King DW
(Abstract) (PDF)
Year 2005Back to top; A Report to the Board of Scientific Counselors
Zarin DA, Bergeris A, Ide NC, Tse T
(Abstract) (PDF)
Genetics Home Reference; A Report to the Board of Scientific Counselors
Mitchell JA, Logan RA, Calvo S, Cheh M, Fomous C, Fun J, Morrison S, Mucci D, Wolf P
(Abstract) (PDF)
Interactive Publications Research; A Report to the Board of Scientific Counselors
Thoma GR, Antani S, Ford GL, Chung M, Vasudevan K
(Abstract) (PDF)
Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications Annual Report FY 2005
King DW
(Abstract) (PDF)
MD on Tap: Point of Care Information Delivery; A Report to the Board of Scientific Counselors
Hauser SE, Demner-Fushman D, Ford GL, Nguyen TQ, Thoma GR
(Abstract) (PDF)
NLM Gateway; A Report to the Board of Scientific Counselors
Kingsland LC
(Abstract) (PDF)
Year 2004Back to top
ASKLEPiOS Project; A Report to the Board of Scientific Counselors
Rodgers, R.P. Channing
(Abstract) (PDF)
Consumer Health Information Seeking; A Report to the Board of Scientific Counselors
Tse T, Gemoets D, Rosemblat G
(Abstract) (PDF)
Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications Annual Report FY 2003
McCray AT
(Abstract) (PDF)
Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications Annual Report FY 2004
McCray AT
(Abstract) (PDF)
Modeling and Learning Methods; A Report to the Board of Scientific Counselors
Kayaalp M
(Abstract) (PDF)
The Collaboratory, Videoconferencing, and Collaboration Technology; A Report to the Board of Scientific Counselors
Locatis C
(Abstract) (PDF)
Year 2003Back to top
3 D Informatics: Research Program in High Performance Computing; A Report to the Board of Scientific Counselors
Yoo TS
(Abstract) (PDF)
Anatomic Images for the Public
Communications Engineering Branch
(Abstract) (PDF)
Lexical Systems; A Report to the Board of Scientific Counselors
Brown AC, Divita G, Lu C, McCreedy L, Nace D
(Abstract) (PDF)
Semantic Knowledge Representation Project; A Report to the Board of Scientific Counselors
Rindflesch TC, Fiszman M, Kilicoglu H, Libbus B
(Abstract) (PDF)