Center for Probing the Nanoscale: An NSF Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center
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Stanford University and IBM Corporation, with funding from the National Science Foundation, have founded the Center for Probing the Nanoscale to achieve five principal goals.
· To develop novel probes that dramatically improve our capability to observe, manipulate, and control nanoscale objects and phenomena.
· To educate the next generation of scientists and engineers regarding the theory and practice of these probes.
· To apply these novel probes to answer fundamental questions and to shed light on technologically relevant issues.
· To disseminate our knowledge and to transfer our technology so that other research scientists and engineers can make use of our advances, and so that corporations can manufacture and market our novel probes.
· To inspire thousands of middle school students by training their teachers at a Summer Institute.
CPN Highlights
Summer Institute for Middle School Teachers 2006
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New! Watch CPN Educational and Research Videos
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CPN 5th Annual Workshop, April 24, 2009
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CPN Announces Seed Grant Winners for 2006-2007
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CPN Awards Five Graduate Prize Fellowships for 2006-2007
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CPN Co-Sponsors Metrology Workshop, Dec. 14-15, 2006
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CPN Outreach Partnership with The National Hispanic University
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CPN and Agilent Co-sponsor Seed Grants for Innovative Research
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Enhanced Resolution SQUID Microscopes
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