Publications: A Guide to the Clinical Care of Women with HIV/AIDS, 2005 edition


Table 7-2: Contraceptive Methods
Method Failure Rates
(% Pregnancies) in First Year of Typical and Perfect Use
Contraindications Benefits Potential Side Effects Convenience Disadvantages
Typical Perfect
Combined oral contraceptive pill (OC) 3 0.1 History of CVD, DVT, stroke; Hypertension; High LDL/HDL ratio; >35 and heavy smoker; Markedly impaired liver function; Hepatocellular adenoma; Headache with focal neurologic symptoms; Diabetes with nephropathy, retinopathy, neuropathy, or vascular disease; Breast cancer; Major surgery with immobilization Decreased menstrual pain, PMS, and blood loss; May reduce acne; Decreased benign breast disease; Decreased functional ovarian cysts; Decreased ovarian and endometrial cancers; Decreased PID Nausea; Headache; Weight gain; Dizziness; Breast tenderness; Vaginal spotting; Chloasma; Depression Use independent from sexual intercourse No STI protection; May increase susceptibility to some STIs; Must remember to take pill daily
Combined estrogen-progestin injection (Lunelle) 0.03-0.1 0.03-0.1 Same as for OCs Same as for OCs Similar to OCs; more spotting/ irregular bleeding than with OCs Use independent from sexual intercourse; Daily action not required No STI protection; May increase susceptibility for some STIs; Must have IM injection monthly in medical office (5 day “grace” period)
Combined estrogen-progestin vaginal ring (Nuva Ring) N/A 0.6 Same as for OCs Same as for OCs Similar to OCs; possible increased vaginal discharge Use independent from sexual intercourse; Vaginal ring inserted for 3 wks out of every mo – precise placement not required No STI protection; May increase susceptibility for some STIs
Combined estrogen-progestin patch (Ortho Evra) 0.6–0.8 (may be higher with wt > 90kg) 0.6 Same as for OCs Same as for OCs; improved user compliance Similar to OCs; Skin irritation Use independent from sexual intercourse; Patch applied weekly 3 of 4 weeks No STI protection; May increase susceptibility for some STIs
Depo-medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) 0.3 0.3 Unexplained vaginal bleeding; Breast cancer Decreased risk of seizures; May have protective effects against PID, ovarian and endometrial cancer; Decreased blood loss, anemia Amenorrhea Menstrual changes (spotting, irregular bleeding, amenorrhea); Weight gain; Breast tenderness; Headache; Adverse effect on lipids; Depression Often causes amenorrhea; Requires only 4 injections/yr; Requires no ongoing action by user; Use independent from sexual intercourse No STI protection
Norplant 0.9 0.9 Same as above Same as above Tenderness or infection at site; Menstrual changes; Hair loss; Weight gain; Breast tenderness; Depression Provides 5 yr of contraception; Requires no ongoing action by user; Use independent from sexual intercourse No STI protection
Progestin-only pill 1.1–13.8 0.5 Same as above Same as above Menstrual changes (spotting, irregular bleeding, amenorrhea); Breast tenderness; Depression; Weight gain Use independent from sexual intercourse No STI protection; Ectopic pregnancy more likely among progestin-only pills than other forms of hormonal contraception; Must remember to take pill daily
Barrier Methods
Condom, male (latex, polyurethane, natural membrane) 12 3 Allergy to condom material Protects against STIs, including HIV (except for natural memberane). Delays premature ejaculation Allergy or sensitivity to condom material; Decreased sensitivity Inexpensive and readily available; Does not require a prescription Requires partner possible cooperation; Possible loss of spontaneity during sex
Condom, female 21 5 Polyurethane allergy Protects against STIs, including HIV Allergy or sensitivity to polyurethane; Possible decreased sensitivity Woman controlled; Less likelihood of breakage; Can be inserted up to 8 hr before intercourse; Does not require a prescription May be awkward to use; Aesthetically unappealing to some
limited data
Cervical cap — parous/nonparous 36/18 26/9 Latex allergy; Abnormal cervical/ vaginal anatomy; History of TSS or recurrent UTIs; Known or suspected cervical/uterine malignancy; Abnormal Pap; Vaginal or cervical infection; Recent delivery or spontaneous/induced abortion Limited STI protection Pelvic pressure; Vaginal irritation; Allergy or sensitivity to latex; Vaginal or urinary tract infections Woman controlled; Can be inserted ahead of time Efficacy based on high motivation; Spermicide re-application required with each act of coitus; Should not be used during menses
Diaphragm 18 6 Latex allergy; Abnormal vaginal anatomy; History of TSS or recurrent UTIs Limited STI protection; Reduces risk of PID Same as above Woman controlled; Can be inserted up to 6 hr before intercourse Same as above, except may be used during menses
Spermicides 21 6 Allergy to
Protection against some STIs, significant against gonorrhea/chlamydia;
In vitro activity against HIV
Vaginal irritation; Allergy; Vaginal and urinary tract infection Woman controlled; Does not require a prescription; Easily available and inexpensive Efficacy reduced when used without a barrier method; May increase susceptibility to HIV with frequent sexual activity; No protection against HIV
IUD (Copper-Paragard) 0.8 0.6 Recent (within 3 mo) or recurrent pelvic infection; Postpartum, postabortion endometritis; Active STI; Women at increased risk for STIs; Severely distorted uterine cavity None Menstrual cramping; Increased bleeding; Risk of PID and uterine perforation following insertion; Anemia Provides contraception for 10 yrs; Requires no ongoing user action No STI protection; Increased risk of PID
Levonorgestrel intrauterine system (Mirena) 0.1–0.3 0.1 Same as for Copper IUD Overall reduction in menstrual blood loss (20% amenorrhea after 1 yr); Possible decreased rates of anemia, PID Increased incidence of irregular bleeding in 1st 6 mo (compared to Copper IUD); Risk of PID and uterine perforation following insertion Provides contraception for 5 yr; Requires no ongoing user action No STI protection
Female surgical sterilization 0.4 0.4 Desire for future fertility; Active pelvic infection Possible decreased risk of ovarian cancer; Decreased risk of salpingitis Pain at surgical site; Subsequent regret; Increased risk of ectopic pregnancy if failure Provides permanent contraception; Requires no ongoing user action Permanent; No STI protection
Nonsurgical female sterilization (Essure) 0.2–0.4 0.2–0.4 Desire for future fertility; Active pelvic infection Probably similar to surgical sterilization (experience limited) Subsequent regret; Increased risk of ectopic pregnancy if failure; Cramping, nausea/vomiting with placement; Expulsion or uterine perforation (<3%) Provides permanent contraception; Requires no ongoing user action; Lower cost, does not require surgery or general anesthesia as compared to surgical sterilization Permanent; No STI protection; Requires office procedure for insertion, use of alternate contraception for 3 mo, and hysterosalpingographic confirmation of tubal occlusion
Male sterilization 0.15 0.10 Desire for future fertility None Pain at surgical site; Subsequent regret Provides permanent sterilization for the man Same as above, except sterility not immediate
Pregnancy Rate

Emergency contraception -

Levonorgestrel 0.25mg/ Ethinylestradiol 50μg (Preven)

Levonorgestrel 0.75mg (Plan B)

3.2% (57% expected pregnancies prevented)

1.1% (85% expected pregnancies prevented)

Established pregnancy None Nausea and vomiting (less with Plan B); Changes in next menses (generally minor) Can be used after unprotected intercourse or with other contraceptive “failure” (e.g. condom breakage) Should be used within 72 hrs of intercourse; No STI protection; Failure rate higher if intercourse during fertile phase of cycle
CVD, cardiovascular disease; DVT, deep vein thrombosis; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; PID, pelvic inflammatory disease; PMS, premenstrual syndrome; IUD, intrauterine device; STI, sexually transmitted infection; TSS, toxic shock syndrome; UTI, urinary tract infection Source: Hatcher, 1998; Johannson, 2004.