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July 15, 2004

  In This Issue:
bullet Fingerprint Matching Systems Highly Accurate, Study Finds
bullet New Database to Help Develop AIDS Drugs
bullet NIST Standard Adopted For Across-the-Road Radar
bullet Cryogenics Research Yields Possible Cure for Arrhythmia
bullet Twisting the Light Away
bullet Method Tests Strength of Advanced Thin Films
bullet A Safer Way to Make Metal Nanospheres
bullet New Standards to Improve Measurements of Microdevices

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Fingerprint Matching Systems Highly Accurate, Study Finds

Finger Print

Computerized systems that automatically match fingerprints have become so sophisticated that the best of them are accurate more than 99 percent of the time, according to the most comprehensive known study of the systems ever conducted.

Computer scientists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) tested 34 commercially available systems provided by 18 companies from around the world. NIST conducted the study to fulfill requirements of the USA PATRIOT Act and the Enhanced Border Security and Visa Entry Reform Act.

The test used operational fingerprints from a variety of U.S. and state government sources. A total of 48,105 sets of fingerprints from 25,309 people, with a total of 393,370 distinct fingerprint images, were used to enable thorough testing.

The most accurate systems were from NEC of Japan, SAGEM of France and Cogent of the United States. The performance of these three systems was comparable. The performance varied depending on how many fingerprints from a given individual were being matched. The best system was accurate 98.6 percent of the time on single-finger tests, 99.6 percent of the time on two-finger tests, and 99.9 percent of the time for tests involving four or more fingers. These accuracies were obtained for a false positive rate of 0.01 percent.

The Justice Management Division of the U.S. Department of Justice funded the study in connection with its efforts to integrate the fingerprint systems operated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Homeland Security.

NIST is publishing a series of reports on the testing that includes a comprehensive analysis of the results. The first of these reports is available at

Media Contact:
Philip Bulman, (301) 975-5661



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New Database to Help Develop AIDS Drugs

When an inhibitor drug (small multicolored molecule in center) binds to the active site of the HIV protease (space right below the small round, yellow and red fragments), the enzyme does not function and the HIV virus cannot grow.
When an inhibitor drug (small multicolored molecule in center) binds to the active site of the HIV protease (space right below the small round, yellow and red fragments), the enzyme does not function and the HIV virus cannot grow.

Researchers who are either developing drug treatments for AIDS or studying the virus that causes the disease have a new resource—an online database of AIDS-related protein structures just unveiled for public use by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

Developed in collaboration with the National Cancer Institute, the HIV Structural Reference Database ( will receive, annotate, archive and distribute structural data for proteins involved in making HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, as well as molecules that inhibit these activities. Until now, much of this information was not widely available because it was unpublished. The new database contains data from both the published literature and from direct contributions by industrial and other laboratories.

The database will be especially useful in developing strategies for inhibiting the activities of the HIV protease (see image) that is essential for maturation of HIV. In addition, the database is expected to help scientists understand and circumvent the problem of mutations that make HIV resistant to certain drugs.

NIST scientists annotate the structural data with information from various sources and index—or classify—the entries so that users can reliably find particular structures. They helped to develop a novel technique for indexing HIV protease inhibitors, enabling scientists to rapidly and reliably get data on all enzyme-inhibitor complexes such as a mutant strain that is resistant to a particular drug.

NIST has a long history of producing, evaluating and disseminating chemical data and is increasingly applying this expertise in biosciences. The HIV database is a model for developing and testing new technology to annotate and standardize HIV inhibitor names, and for evaluating structural data for macromolecules.

Media Contact:
Laura Ost, (301) 975-4034



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NIST Standard Adopted for Across-the-Road Radar

Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have developed a new performance standard for “across-the-road” radar speed-measuring device systems to help law enforcement agencies to purchase and use with confidence this relatively new method for catching speeders.

Unlike conventional “down-the-road” radar speed-measuring devices, across-the-road radar systems do not require an operator and can be programmed to detect and record vehicles traveling above a predetermined speed. In addition, these devices can be set to look selectively for cars, motorcycles or trucks. The newer systems are also less likely to be detected by speeders because the radar beam used is pointed across, rather than along the road.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has adopted the new across-the-road radar standard along with two other updated NIST standards for down the road radar and for lidar, a speed enforcement technology that uses laser pulses rather than radio waves.

All three standards define minimum performance specifications and measurement procedures for verifying these requirements so that motorists, courts and law enforcement can be assured that these systems will perform as expected.

The standards also have been adopted by the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), which currently funds the NIST work. NHTSA and IACP work with NIST to establish and update standards for speed-enforcement technology to ensure the systems used by law enforcement are reliable.

IACP publishes a list of those speed-enforcement devices that meet the NIST-developed standards. NHTSA offers law enforcement agencies grants to purchase new speed-enforcement systems included on the IACP list.

Media Contact:
Scott Nance, (301) 975-5226



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Cryogenics Research Yields Possible Cure for Arrhythmia

A U.S. clinical study is just getting under way that, if successful, could lead to a non-surgical “cure” for the most common type of cardiac arrhythmia. The study is evaluating a new type of cryogenic catheter co-developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

The catheter system, which is being commercialized by CryoCor of San Diego, Calif., is designed to selectively freeze cardiac tissue in order to block the abnormal electrical signals that cause arrhythmia, thereby returning the heart to its normal rhythm. On June 29 the company announced Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for clinical trials to evaluate the system's safety and efficacy in treating atrial fibrillation, an irregular heart rhythm that affects about 2.3 million Americans and increases the risk of stroke and death. Clinical trials are already under way to treat atrial flutter, or rapid heart rate.

International clinical trials had a 98 percent overall treatment success rate, and the company has approval to sell the system in Europe. The technology offers a potential cure for arrhythmia, whereas current treatments, including drug therapy and implantable devices such as pacemakers, are management strategies.

The system consists of a catheter about 3 mm in diameter, a sheath for introducing the catheter into pulmonary veins, and a console for controlling the temperature of refrigerant inside the catheter and thus the size of the tissue area to be frozen. Inside the heart, the catheter can achieve temperatures below minus 80 degrees Celsius (minus 112 degrees Fahrenheit).

CryoCor is a spin-off of CryoGen Inc. of San Diego, Calif., which originally worked with NIST researchers through a cooperative research and development agreement to develop the ultracold catheter. CryoGen has used some of the same technology to develop a way to treat abnormal uterine bleeding. Approved for clinical use in 2001, the procedure is an alternative to a hysterectomy and has a one-day recovery period instead of up to 6 weeks. CryoGen was purchased by American Medical Systems in 2002.

Media Contact:
Laura Ost, (301) 975-4034


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Twisting the Light Away

Tapered chiral optical fiber created by Chiral Photonics. Fiber is less than 100 millionths of a meter in diameter.
Tapered chiral optical fiber created by Chiral Photonics. Fiber is less than 100 millionths of a meter in diameter.

Credit: Chiral Photonics, Inc.; National Science Foundation

Add a deceptively simple twist to a tiny fiber of glass and you get a versatile new class of optical devices to filter light; sense changes in temperature, pressure or other environmental factors; or transmit information via powerful, inexpensive lasers, according to researchers at Chiral Photonics Inc. of Clifton, N.J. Writing in the July 2 issue of Science, the company describes a new class of devices called chiral gratings that were developed with support from the Advanced Technology Program at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and from the National Science Foundation.

If the finely controlled process for making the glass fibers can be successfully scaled up to production levels, the company hopes to manufacture communications lasers, for example, that are three times more efficient than today’s semiconductor lasers at about a fifth the cost.

Conventional optical fibers have a core of round cross-section, like a strand of spaghetti, but if they are made thin and flat instead, like linguine, they can be twisted into a spiral or double-helix shape. Then something remarkable happens, according to the Chiral Photonics research team. The degree of twist in the fiber acts like a selective filter allowing light pulses with certain wavelengths (colors) or orientations (polarization) to pass through, while scattering everything else.

A gentle twist and polarized light is directed out into the fiber's cladding, which can be tailored to capture particular wavelengths based on the external environment such as pressure, temperature or other factors. Twist harder, about one rotation per every 10 microns of length, and the fiber becomes a polarizing filter, scattering all the photons except those with a selected polarization. An even tighter twist of one rotation per wavelength and the fiber becomes a highly selective mirror, reflecting back only light of a precise wavelength—an effect that can be used for a small, powerful and inexpensive fiber-optic laser.

More details are available at the company’s Web site,, and from the National Science Foundation at

Media Contact:
Michael Baum, (301) 975-2763




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Method Tests Strength of Advanced Thin Films

Colorized micrograph of a nanoporous insulation film after “wrinkling” with a new NIST measurement method.

Colorized micrograph of a nanoporous insulation film after “wrinkling” with a new NIST measurement method.

To download high-resolution version of the image, right-click on the image and select "Save target as" or "Save link as".

The challenge of determining whether thin films—some no thicker than a single molecule—are strong enough for a growing number of important technology jobs just got easier and quicker. A team led by researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) reported in the the August issue of Nature Materials that they have developed an inexpensive testing method for such measurements.

Useful for evaluating all types and combinations of materials, the new method measures and analyzes the strength and stiffness of a thin-film sample in about 2 seconds, as compared with several minutes for indentation and other conventional approaches. In addition, the NIST-developed technique accommodates high-throughput testing, so that hundreds or even a few thousand systematically varying samples can be tested in rapid succession.

Accelerated testing could spur progress in a large variety of existing and emerging technology areas that rely on thin-film advances for improved performance or enhanced protection. Examples include semiconductors, solar cells, fuel cells, coatings, magnetic storage devices and prospective nanotechnology devices.

The new method entails mounting a postage-stamp-sized assortment of incrementally varying thin films on a strip of silicone rubber about the size of a Band-Aid. Placed on a custom-built stage, the combination of sample array and soft substrate then is stretched or compressed. At a critical point of instability, a sample buckles, wrinkling like a piece of corrugated cardboard.

Situated beneath the stage, a laser beams through the sample and a camera captures the scattered light. From the resulting diffraction pattern, the buckling wavelength—or distance between the peaks of adjacent wrinkles—is determined. Through a series of mathematical calculations, the buckling wavelength is related to the strength of the material.

For further information, see

Media Contact:
Mark Bello, (301) 975-3776




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A Safer Way to Make Metal Nanospheres

Tiny surface defects that form during processing can reduce the quality and yield of semiconductor devices, magnetic storage media and other products. Inspection tools that locate, identify and characterize surface defects based upon how they reflect or scatter light need to be calibrated with accurate particle size standards in order to work properly. Making metallic standards for such calibrations is typically a hazardous process, but researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the University of Maryland have invented a safer method and apparatus for producing these standards.

Nanoscale spheres typically are used as size standards for calibrating surface inspection instruments. NIST produces a number of Standard Reference Materials (SRMs) used by the semiconductor industry for calibration purposes, including SRM 1963, which consists of 100 nanometer (nm) polystyrene spheres. The new method produces uniformly sized metal nanospheres, which might be used to determine, for example, whether surface inspection systems can differentiate metal contaminants from other defects.

The new method, patented earlier this year and licensed through the University of Maryland to MSP Corp., makes spheres 50 nm to 300 nm in diameter out of copper, nickel, cobalt and other metals. The method involves generating aerosol droplets of a solution in an inert gas and heating the droplets to form metal particles. The solution contains a metal compound, water, and a solvent such as methanol or ethanol. By contrast, the best of current production technologies use hydrogen gas as the solvent, posing a risk of fire or explosion.

NIST ownership in the patent is also available for licensing. Inquiries should be directed to Terry Lynch, (301) 975-02691or

For further information, see

Media Contact:
Laura Ost, (301) 975-4034




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New Standards to Improve Measurements of Microdevices

Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), along with their colleagues at several companies, are completing experiments that validate new standards aimed at improving emerging new microelectromechanical systems, or MEMS, devices.

Microaccelerometers, the devices used to activate automotive airbags, are MEMS devices. In the future, microscopic MEMs devices made with gears and motors may, for example, be developed to clear blockages in arteries.

NIST scientists presented their findings at the semiconductor industry’s annual SEMICON West trade show, held July 12-16, 2004, in San Francisco.

Working with ASTM International, NIST has developed three new standards aimed at helping researchers measure more accurately several characteristics of materials used to construct MEMS devices. With more accurate measurements of microsystem materials, designers and manufacturers hope to improve the design and performance of these devices. Currently, laboratories measuring the properties of similar device materials produce widely varying results.

Each new standard is a set of procedures for measuring dimensions or a particular materials property. One standard advances the “in-plane length” measurement of a microsystem, or its length in one dimension, typically from 25 micrometers to 1,000 micrometers. A second standard would improve measurement of “residual strain,” or the strain the parts of a microsystem undergo before they relax after the removal of the stiff oxides that surround them during manufacturing. The final standard aims to improve measurement of the “strain gradient,” which determines the maximum distance that a MEMS component can be suspended in air before it begins to bend or curl.

Six companies have been collaborating with NIST on a so-called “round robin” experiment to validate the MEMS standards. The standards should significantly reduce variations in measurements between laboratories.

Media Contact:
Scott Nance, (301) 975-5226



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NIST Acting Director Describes New Advanced Measurement Laboratory

On July 12, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Acting Director Hratch Semerjian presented a talk in Salt Lake City at a meeting of the National Conference of Standards Laboratories International. Semerjian described NIST’s new Advanced Measurement Laboratory. Officially dedicated in June, the $235 million dollar facility is the most technically advanced research facility of its kind in the world.

For a copy of Semerjian's talk, see (.pdf; download Acrobat Reader)

For additional information on the Advanced Measurement Laboratory, see


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Editor: Gail Porter

Date created: 07/13/04
Date updated:07/15/04