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SeaWinds on Midori 2

Scatterometers operate by sending radar pulses to the ocean surface and measuring the "backscattered" or echoed radar pulses bounced back to the satellite. The instrument senses ripples caused by winds near the ocean's surface, from which scientists can compute the winds' speed and direction. The instruments can acquire hundreds of times more observations of surface wind velocity each day than can ships and buoys.

This instrument, called SeaWinds, was launched on a Japan's Midori 2 satellite but the satellite stopped functioning after launch. The scatterometer instrument was designed and built by JPL and was identical to an instrument on JPL's Quick Scatterometer satellite.

Mission Details:
Purpose: Radar study of near-surface ocean winds

Fast Facts:
Launch: December 13, 2002

artist's concept of SeaWinds
Artist's concept of SeaWinds
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