U.S. Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board

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NWTRB and Its Mission
Updated November 29, 2006

bulletFact Sheet: What is the NWTRB?

Fact sheet describes the Board, the members who serve on it, and the way in which the Board contributes to the nuclear waste program.

Available as:
Fact Sheet: What is the NWTRB? (PDF format- 62K)

bulletNWTRB Enabling Legislation - Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act

Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act (1987) [Public Law 100-203-December 22, 1987, Part E] prescribes the functions of the Board to include an evaluation of the technical and scientific validity of activites undertaken by the Department of Energy at Yucca Mountain.

Available as:
Public Law 100-203-December 22, 1987 (PDF format-12K)
