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About the National Appeals Division

Organizational Roles


The Director is appointed by the Secretary of Agriculture for a six-year term and is eligible for re-appointment. The Director is one of the 20 general officers of the Department that reports directly to the Secretary and by law is free from the direction and control of any other employee of the Department. The Director is responsible for managing the work assigned to the Division, appoints Hearing Officers and other Division employees, issues final determinations as to whether a decision is appealable, reviews Hearing Officer determinations, and may reconsider a review determination.

The current Director is Roger J. Klurfeld, who was appointed Director in June 2002.

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Deputy Director

The Deputy Director is a career civil servant who assists the Director in all phases of NAD operations and has been delegated authority by the Director to make final appealability decisions, review Hearing Officer determinations, and reconsider review determinations.

The current Deputy Director is M. Terry Johnson, who was hired for this position in November 2002.

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Deputy Director for Planning, Training and Quality Control

The Deputy Director for Planning, Training and Quality Control is responsible for compliance with the Government Performance and Results Act, including the development of strategic and annual plans and annual performance reports. The Deputy Director also is responsible for NAD quality control operations and all training.

The current Deputy Director for Planning, Training and Quality Control is Jerry Jobe.

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Supervisory Appeals Officer

The Supervisory Appeals Officer supervises a staff of appeals officers who research and draft Director review determinations and reconsiderations.

The current Supervisory Appeals Officer is Eileen Jones.

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Assistant Director for Management

The Assistant Director for Administrative Support manages day-to-day administrative support activities related to space management, budget, records management, automated systems, personnel, procurement, and other support activities.

The current Assistant Director for Management is William Pratt.

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Assistant Director

Three Assistant Directors supervise and provide operational support for hearing officers within their regions as well as providing administrative functions. They are responsible for the Director’s assignment of appeals and case management for NAD.

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Financial Manager

The Financial Manager handles all NAD financial matters including budget preparation and management.

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Administrative Officer

The Administrative Officer is responsible for all personnel action requests, leasing and space management, contracting, travel, and procurement.

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Automation Specialist

The Automation Specialist supports all NAD-wide automated systems, including maintenance and software installation. Duties also include preparation of statistical reports, database management, and automation security.

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Hearing Officer

The Hearing Officers are located throughout the continental United States. They are responsible for holding hearings and issuing determinations on appeals before NAD.


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    Mission Statement
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