Requesting Beam Time

General Users (GUs)

  • General User Proposal Submission

The NSLS accepts proposals for programs as well as for single experiments through the online Proposal, Allocation, Safety and Scheduling (PASS) system. Principal investigators (PIs) must contact beamline staff prior to submitting a proposal to ensure the experiment may be performed on the beamlines requested. Beamline capabilities, techniques and staff members are listed in the Beamline Guide.

  • Submissions Deadlines

The same submission deadlines apply for proposals for proprietary research and general user research.

  • Proposals Review and Ratings

The Proposal Review Panels (PRPs) are responsible for rating General User Proposals for scientific merit, technical feasibility, capability of the experimental group, and availability of the resources required. Proposal ratings are assigned on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being the highest rating and 5 being the lowest). Proposals with ratings between 3 and 5 may wish to submit a new Proposal that addresses the PRP comments in order to improve the rating and thus improve chances of receiving beam time. Proposals with ratings between 4 and 5 are automatically inactivated and should not expect to receive beam time. The user will receive email notification of the rating.

  • Beam Time Allocation

Facility beamlines at the NSLS are constructed, maintained, staffed and operated by the NSLS. Others were built by a consortia of users, called Participating Research Teams (PRTs). General users may apply for beam time on both facility and PRT beamlines. 

The Beam Time Allocation Committee (BTAC) is charged with allocating beam time to both new Proposals and Beam Time Requests. The user will receive written notification of the beamline and beam time allocated.

  • Requesting Beam Time in subsequent cycles

A proposal does not automatically receive beam time for every cycle during its lifetime. A Beam Time Request must be submitted online through the PASS system on or before the deadline for each scheduling cycle during which beam time is desired. General users must contact beamline personnel prior to submitting a beam time request to ensure the experiment may be performed on that beamline. Beam Time Requests are not rated again, but are routed directly to the Beam Time Allocation Committee for beam time allocation.

  • Scheduling Beam Time

After the allocation process is complete, the Principal Investigator (PI) will receive an email notification of the beamline assigned and the number of days allocated for the cycle. The PI will be directed to verify or adjust the safety information submitted with the proposal and also to schedule beam time through the PASS system. Thereafter the PI will receive another email confirming the scheduled beam time.

  • Declining Beam Time

General Users may withdraw their Proposal or Beam Time Request any time before the Beam Time Allocation Committee meeting. Please contact the Proposal Coordinator as soon as possible if a cancellation is necessary. Allocation meetings are held approximately forty-five (45) days after the deadline date for proposal submissions. Contact the Proposal Coordinator for exact dates.

  • Appeals

General questions about procedures, proposal ratings, or comments from the PRP or the Beam Time Allocation Committee should be addressed to the Proposal Coordinator.

Appeals related to proposal ratings should be sent to the Proposal Coordinator via e-mail immediately after the PI receives the rating so that an appropriate and timely review can be made by the Proposal Oversight Panel (POP) prior to allocation.

  • Proposal Expiration

Proposals become inactive upon the first of the following occurrences: (1) the proposal received a rating between 4 and 5, (2) a new proposal has been submitted with the same title, or (3) two years have elapsed

  • Charges for Beam Time

There are no charges for beam time under the General User Program.

  • Proprietary Research under the General User Program

Proprietary research may be conducted under the General User Program. Refer to Proprietary Research for information.

  • Laboratory/Set Up Space

Short term laboratory/set up space for general users may be reserved. Contact the appropriate laboratory steward prior to arrival at BNL.


Users' Reference Guide