User Access

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User Registration
All researchers coming to the NSLS to work on a beamline must have an active appointment with Brookhaven National Laboratory which involves an online registration process and approval. In some cases, it can take up to 120 days to obtain necessary approvals, so early registration is strongly suggested.
Click here to begin the process
All new users and users with expired badges must complete/update their training prior to access to the experimental floor. These training modules can be completed online prior to arrival at the NSLS. This is strongly recommended since it saves a considerable amount of time during the check-in process at the Guest, User, Visitor (GUV) Center.
Click here to complete training
Requesting Beamtime
All users with active appointments, current training, and unexpired INS documentation may apply for beamtime using a few different methods.
Click here for detailed information on requesting beamtime
Register for Gate Access
All NSLS users are required to complete the Guest Check In/Out Form prior to arrival.
Click here to complete the Guest Check In/Out Form
Collect and Bring Proper Identification
All users must bring proper identification during their visits to BNL. Failure to possess current identification may result in your inability to be granted access to the BNL site.
Click here to find out about proper identification
Check-In On Site
Users must show a BNL photo identification badge if they have one, or other photo identification at the Main Gate, and if required, proceed to the Guest, User, Visitor (GUV) Center to complete check-in.
Click here for check-in details
Complete Beamline Training
After checking in with the Guest, User, Visitor (GUV) Center, and upon arrival at the NSLS, Beamline Operation and Safety Awareness (BLOSA) training is required for all users. This training is beamline specific and will be executed by the Local Contact at the beamline upon arrival.
Click here to complete beamline training
Complete End of Run Survey
As part of the annual DOE report, the NSLS (and other DOE facilities) are required to ask users to take part in a User Satisfaction survey to provide feedback to the Office of Basic Energy Science (BES) and to improve user services and the NSLS facility. Please fill in this form at the completion of your experiment.
Click here to complete the End of Run Survey