Light Sources Directorate Planning Workshops

NSLS and NSLS-II conducted a series of workshops in early 2008 as part of the process of gathering community input to inform the strategic scientific plans and beamline development for the two facilities. The workshops were divided into two types, those focused on particular techniques, and those focused on particular scientific communities. It is likely that these will be the first in a series of such workshops.

The six scientific strategic planning workshops conducted in January and February 2008 were focused on specific scientific areas. The goals of these workshops were: to identify the key scientific drivers for the coming years for that particular area; to provide input for the strategic plans for the science programs at NSLS and NSLS-II; and to identify the capabilities required by that community at the two facilities. The following table provides links to the websites for the scientific strategic planning workshops and to the whitepapers written by the workshop participants.

Scientific Strategic Planning Workshops Date White Paper (PDF)
Life Sciences Jan. 15-16, 2008 White Paper
Materials Science and Engineering (MS&E) Jan. 17-18, 2008  
MS&E: Materials Diffraction   White Paper
MS&E: Materials at High Pressure   White Paper
MS&E: Engineering Applications   White Paper
MS&E: Radiometry and Metrology   White Paper
MS&E: Surface and Interface Science   White Paper
Earth and Environmental Sciences Jan. 22-23, 2008 White Paper
Chemical and Energy Sciences Feb. 1, 2008 White Paper
Hard Condensed Matter and Materials Physics Feb. 5-6, 2008 White Paper
Soft and Biomolecular Materials Feb. 11-12, 2008 White Paper

Six technique-based workshops were also scheduled for the same period. The goals of these workshops were to explore the scientific drivers for each of these beamline types, and to develop the technical requirements that flow from these. In addition, a key output of these workshops was to form Beamline Advisory Teams that will submit Letters of Interest to work with the facilities to design, construct and commission these beamlines. The following table provides links to the websites for the technique-based workshops.

Technique-Based Workshops Date
XPCS and Microbeam SAXS Jan. 10-11, 2008
X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy Jan. 16, 2008
Powder Diffraction Jan. 17-18, 2008
Soft X-Ray Scattering Feb. 4, 2008
Inelastic X-Ray Scattering Feb. 7-8, 2008
Nanoprobe Beamline Feb. 15, 2008
Coherent X-ray Diffraction Mar. 14, 2008


Last Modified: May 1, 2008
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