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About MTC
Nexus Program
Audit Program


Committees News

For additional information regarding the Committees, please contact the Multistate Tax Commission.


Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is the primary policy and administrative decision-making body of the MTC when the full Commission does not meet. The Executive Committee meets quarterly and is comprised of the Commission Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, and four elected members. Compact members attending Executive Committee meetings may also participate and vote on matters before the committee.

Program Committees

Uniformity Committee

The Uniformity Committee develops recommendations for uniform laws, regulations and administrative practices for corporate income, sales and use, and other major business taxes. This committee does critical work to help the Commission achieve its objective of encouraging uniform taxation of multistate business activity.

Litigation Committee

The Litigation Committee provides a forum for state tax attorneys to exchange information on current multistate tax cases of major importance. It also encourages coordination of litigation efforts among the states, and it has begun to discuss some specific areas of multistate cooperation in legal services and activities.

Nexus Committee

The Nexus Committee advises on the operation of the MTC National Nexus Program. It also serves as a forum for the exchange of information on nexus-related issues.

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee guides the Commission's Joint Audit Program. It also serves as a forum for exchanging information on multistate audit issues.

The members of the Audit Committee are designees of only those states participating in the Audit Program. Other states may request observer status at a specific Audit Committee meeting to explore potential participation in the program, provided that those other states have an appropriate exchange of information agreement with a state participating in the program.

Technology Committee

The Committee on Technology advises the Multistate Tax Commission on cost-effective applications of automated systems to assist the Member States of the Commission in further advancing the Multistate Tax Compact's purposes of fairness, taxpayer convenience and compliance, and uniformity.

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