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Staff Profile

Randy F Absolon

Division: FE
Status: Federal, NOAA Fisheries
Job Title: Research Fishery Biologist
Phone: 509-542-4036
Email: send e-mail


NWFSC Publications
Prior to joining the NWFSC in 1993, Randy Absolon held positions with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and NOAA Fisheries' Foreign Fisheries Observer Program and Fisheries Smolt Monitoring Program. He graduated from Michigan Technological University with a B.S. in biological sciences.

Current Research
Randy's research is aimed at improving the passage of juvenile salmonids at hydroelectric dams. His projects focus on fish passage and orifice passage efficiency of prototype guidance devices, investigating the effects of dissolved gas supersaturation on juvenile salmon and survival and post-construction evaluations of fish passage facilities. He is currently conducting a radio-tag turbine survival study and is assisting with an evaluation of spillway mortality at Snake River dams. He is also involved with writing release canister, gas bubble trauma, fish guidance and spillway survival manuscripts for publication.

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last modified 06/14/2007

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