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Sea Birds

Report from the Field

From an e-mail dated June 29, 2008

Last week, collaborators and I completed Phase 1 of a scientific study addressing interactions between local seabirds from coastal Washington and Oregon and fish populations in the same area. As part of this work, we placed satellite tags on 7 sooty shearwaters. Shearwaters breed in New Zealand but spend "winters" feeding off the California, Oregon, and Washington coasts. The tags enable us to track where individual birds are located several times each day for approximately 60 days.

These 7 individuals were tagged just offshore of Cape Disappointment State Park, on the Long Beach Peninsula in Washington. Anyone with access to the internet can now follow, day-to-day, the positions of each of these birds (until the batteries on the tags run out). Additional birds will be tagged very soon in Monterey Bay, CA, and those tags will also be posted. We hope to deploy 3 additional tags in August 2008 off the Columbia River, as well as deploy additional tags again in 2009.

Jen's profile

You can follow the tagged birds' tracks in near-real time. First, click on the link that follows, then click on "accept terms" to view the maps.

Read a related article

    Sooty Shearwater
Click image to learn more about shearwaters

Cape disappointment
Cape Disappointment, where NWFSC Biologist, Jen Zamon and her collaborators tag shearwaters.

last modified 08/11/2008

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