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Orientation Program

The orientation program consists of the Core Orientation and Supplemental Orientation. The Core Orientation is mandatory for all veterinarians wishing to becoming accredited and covers a broad range of information. The Supplemental Orientation is more specific to the issues of the State where the veterinarian is seeking to do accreditation work.

Core Orientation

The Core Orientation is the initial comprehensive seminar that outlines the components of the accreditation program and the standards to which the accredited veterinarian will be held. This orientation may be given during veterinary medical school or during a session scheduled by the AVIC and State Animal Health Official where the candidate applies for accreditation. This orientation is only required for initial veterinary accreditation. The following subject areas are included in the orientation:

1. Federal animal health laws, regulations, and rules as they apply to accreditation;
2. Interstate movement of animals;
3. Import and export requirements for animals;
4. USDA animal disease eradication and control programs;
5. Laboratory support in confirming disease diagnoses;
6. Ethical/professional standards for an accredited veterinarian; and
7. State initiatives, regulations and programs.

Supplemental Orientation

The Supplemental Orientation is a seminar in animal health procedures and issues relevant to the State where the candidate is seeking to do accredited work. Candidates who received the core orientation in a State other than where they intend to practice, may be required to complete a supplemental orientation. The requirement for the supplemental orientation is at the discretion of the AVIC and State Animal Health Official.


Last Modified: March 28, 2007