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The Federal Highway Administration works in a government-to-government relationship with Indian Tribal Governments. FHWA works with Indian Tribal Governments, State Departments of Transportation and the Bureau of Indian Affairs to meet our mission to create the best transportation system in the world for the American people through proactive leadership, innovation, and excellence in service.

FHWA has a Tribal Transportation Program Coordinator that coordinates with FHWA headquarters and field offices in the federal-aid and federal lands highway programs. The Program coordinator also works closely with Tribal Governments, national and regional tribal organizations, and the Transportation Research Board to promote intergovernmental relationships and partnerships in transportation, continue to build the technical and program capacity of the tribal program, and enhance the state of the practice in tribal transportation.

Tim Penney, PE
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
202 366-2698
E-mail: tim.penney@dot.gov

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United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration