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Maritime Energy Technologies

                          PROGRAM DESCRIPTION


Recent energy price increases have highlighted the need to improve energy efficiency and to develop alternative domestic energy sources in order to reduce our dependence on foreign oil.  Increased energy cost has affected the operations of most marine firms.  In addition, public environmental awareness has also led regulatory agencies worldwide to apply stricter limits on industrial pollutants.   These regulations are just beginning to affect the marine industry.

Although a number of international and domestic emissions regulations have been passed or are pending, many U.S. environmental organizations consider marine power plants to be one of the last unregulated sources of exhaust emissions.  Marine exhaust emissions are also the focus of increasing scrutiny in local non-attainment areas and are considered by some to be a significant contributor to the problem.

As a result, members of the marine community, including engine manufacturers, vessel owners and operators, and transportation planners are facing new challenges to meet the twin mandates for lower energy costs and reduced exhaust emissions.  A logical response to these challenges is to explore the application of technologies being used or developed for stationary and mobile engines to vessels. However, the proven technologies present new hurdles when applied to the unique marine environment. Although the alternatives hold great promise for the industry, the lack of clear information on their efficacy, cost and operational impact for marine applications create business risks that impede their implementation.  Thus, while recognizing the challenge, the marine industry is looking to the government for direction and leadership.  MARAD's Energy Technologies Program will address the most crucial information shortfalls through government/industry partnerships, coordinated studies, and technology demonstration projects.


The objective of this Program is to be achieved by fostering Partnership Agreements with the many interested parties in Industry and Government in order to accelerate the industry’s existing efforts to achieve complementary goals.  The Program fosters studies, demonstration projects, and industry outreach efforts.

The studies address technology, economic, policy, and intermodal issues. Studies may stand alone or be followed by technology demonstrations which will focus upon obtaining information about the fuel consumption and exhaust emissions generated.

This Program will address methodologies that are already proven to be practical approaches within each of the technology areas and for which significant interest has been shown by the maritime community.  As changes to a vessel’s power plant are made, MARAD will assist the operator in obtaining the equipment and expertise to conduct fuel consumption and emissions monitoring tests.   When appropriate, measurements will be taken before and after the changes, in order to determine the level of improvement in fuel consumption and the reduction of pollutants in the engine exhaust, and to guide development of future standards, regulations, and policy decisions.

The Technology Areas addressed by this plan include Emission Monitoring Baseline Measurements, Diesel Technologies, Alternative Fuel Technologies and Alternate Power Plant Technologies.  Details of each Technology Area will be provided in a following Section and the details of each specific Technology Demonstration are provided as appendices.

The Industry Outreach portion of this plan includes periodic workshops as the forum for presenting accomplishments and progress reports to Industry and Government participants, and discussion of relevant new information.   All information gathered will be made available on this web site.


Cumulative state and local air emission regulations are now adversely impacting vessel operations, port operations, and vessel designs on a nationwide basis.  Other Federal Agencies are concerned with promulgating and enforcing emission regulations but not with providing incentives, assistance, and support to the maritime industry in developing necessary emission reduction technologies.

Performance of this program directly supports the Strategic Goals of both DOT and MARAD.  Specifically, the DOT Strategic Goal is, "Reduce the adverse effects of transportation on ecosystems and the natural environment," and the MARAD Strategic Goal is, "Improve intermodal transportation system performance by applying advanced technology and innovation".

Potential Program benefits include supporting waterborne transportation as an alternate or complementary transportation mode, reducing adverse environmental effects of marine transportation, and development of niche markets for U.S. shipyards.

Site last updated Wednesday, June 07, 2006.