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Burn/No Burn frequently asked questions

This page contains some answers to frequently asked questions.

What does the burn state mean?

For Bernallio County residents, the burn state is the kind of restriction that is in force. It can take one of the following values:

Restriction type Meaning Image
No restriction There is no restriction in force Image for no restriction
Voluntary restriction Due to slightly elevated pollution levels please do not use your wood burning fireplace or wood burning stove unless necessary. We recommend that you use alternative transportation and car pool, and keep unnecessary driving to a minimum. Image for no restriction
Mandatory restriction Due to elevated pollution levels residents of Bernalillo County are restricted from using non-EPA certified wood burning fireplaces or non-EPA certified wood burning stoves. We recommend that you use alternative transportation and car pool, and keep unnecessary driving to a minimum. If you have a no-burn exemption you may use your fireplace or stove. During a Red Alert, staff are on patrol and have the authority to levy fines on any business or household burning wood. Image for no restriction


For more information, contact
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What do the "valid from" and "valid until" fields mean?

The no-burn period runs for 24 hours starting at 11 AM. Bernalillo County residents have a three (3) hour burn down from 11 AM to allow any fires to burn down. This means that if you started a fire in your fireplace at 10:30 and a Red Alert is called at 11:00 AM, you have until 1:30 PM to allow the wood in your fireplace to finish burning. During the burn down period you should not add any material to the fire.

The "valid from field" defines the day that a restriction starts. The "valid until" field is the last day that the restriction is in force.

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How can I get an exemption?

Seasonal No-Burn exemptions and emergency heat exemptions can be provided. If you feel you qualify for an exemption please contact the Air Quality Division at 768-1930.
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