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Alcohol Health & Research World

Celebrating 25 Years of Alcohol Research

Vol. 19, No. 1, 1995


The effect of alcohol on the nervous system, by M. Victor and R.D. Adams (p. 28)
Commentary by Jack H. Mendelson

Alcool, alcoolisme, alcoolisation, by S. Ledermann (p. 30)
Commentary by Philip J.Cook and Ole-Jørgen Skog

Genetic selection for voluntary alcohol consumption in the albino rat, by K. Eriksson (p. 32)
Commentary by T.-K. Li

Treatment of the acute alcohol withdrawal state: A comparison of four drugs, by S.C. Kaim et al. (p. 34)
Commentary by Edward M. Sellers

Loss of control drinking in alcoholics: An experimental analogue, by G.A. Marlatt et al. (p. 36)
Commentary by William R. Miller

Pattern of malformation in offspring of chronic alcoholic mothers, by K.L. Jones et al. (p. 38)
Commentary by Carrie L. Randall and Edward P. Riley

Alcohol consumption before myocardial infarction: Results from the Kaiser-Permanente Epidemiologic Study of Myocardial Infarction, by A.L. Klatsky et al. (p. 40)
Commentary by Michael H. Criqui

Sequential production of fatty liver, hepatitis, and cirrhosis in sub-human primates fed ethanol with adequate diets, by C.S. Lieber et al. (p. 42)
Commentary by Hidekazu Tsukamoto

Alcohol dependence: Provisional description of a clinical syndrome, by G. Edwards and M.M. Gross (p.44)
Commentary by Marc Schuckit

Drug tolerance in biomembranes: A spin label study of the effects of ethanol, by J.H. Chin and D.B. Goldstein (p. 46)
Commentary by Emanuel Rubin

Aldehyde dehydrogenase deficiency as cause of facial flushing reaction to alcohol in Japanese, by S. Harada et al. (p. 48)
Commentary by David Goldman

Inheritance of alcohol abuse: Cross-fostering analysis of adopted men, by C.R. Cloninger et al. (p. 50)
Commentary by Andrew C. Heath

Impact of legislation raising the legal drinking age in Massachusetts from 18 to 20, by R.W. Hingson et al. (p. 52)
Commentary by Patricia F. Waller

Event-related brain potentials in boys at risk for alcoholism, by H. Begleiter et al. (p. 54)
Commentary by Shirley Y. Hill

Disulfiram treatment of alcoholism: A Veterans Administration cooperative study, by R.K. Fuller et al.
Commentary by Raymond F. Anton (p. 56)

Alcoholism treatment and total health care utilization and costs: A four-year longitudinal analysis of Federal employees, by H.D. Holder and J.O. Blose (p.58)
Commentary by Anne Geller


The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism: Past Accomplishments and Future Goals (p. 05)
Enoch Gordis

The Creation of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism: Responding to America's Alcohol Problem (p. 12)
Brenda G. Hewitt

Reflections: NIAAA's Directors Look Back on 25 Years (p. 17)

On the Research Front: The NIAAA's Intramural Research Program (p. 60)
Markku Linnoila, Theodore R. Colburn, and Robert C. Petersen

Alcohol Health Services Research: An Evolving Agenda (p. 71)
Constance Weisner

Twenty-Five Years of Alcohol Epidemiology: Trends, Techniques, and Transitions (p. 77)
Mary C. Dufour


In This Issue (p. 03)

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Reviewed: April 2002

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