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Mendonsa Fund Over Projected Goal


Mayor Ron Littlefield announced today the Mendonsa Fund he established is over its projected goal.  At $179,599 the Mendonsa Family can now breathe a little easier. 

 “This money will in no way completely cover their entire financial burden, but it will wipe out a good portion of their debt.  The Mendonsas have given so much to our community, it was our hope that this fund would help them get back on their feet and help them to begin working on recovering and building back their lives, rather than working to pay off debt,” said Mayor Ron Littlefield.

 “I personally want to thank everyone that gave money to the Mendonsa Family.  I am touched at the community’s outreach and know the Mendonsas are thankful for your help, too,” said Mayor Littlefield.

 Those wishing to give to the fund may contact:

Chattanooga Christian Community Foundation
736 Market Street
Suite 1706
Chattanooga, TN 37402-4503
Phone: 266-5257