Business Development Support

A major aim of the National Nanotechnology Initiative is to maximize the return on the Federal government's investment in nanoscale R&D. Therefore, communicating with the business community on current research activities, partnership opportunities and available resources is a high priority.

To facilitate nanotechnology R&D, government infrastructure is available to researchers through the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, the Network for Computational Nanotechnology, the DOE Nanoscale Science Research Centers, the Naval Research Laboratory's Institute of Nanoscience, and through the Domestic Guest Research Program at National Institute of Standards and Technology.

In addition to the NNIN and user facilities mentioned above, many, if not most, universities are willing to work with businesses in research collaborations. Most have technology transfer offices that can be contacted directly for information on possible collaborations.

The Federal government also offers special Funding Opportunities for industry, universities, and other research institutions.

At least 10 percent of all new products result from business collaboration with university partners. Research also has shown that small businesses that are affiliated with academic institutions are far more successful and stable than those that are not.

Universities benefit when their researchers bring in sources of on-going funding, as well as employment opportunities for graduating students.

State and Regional Initiatives

State and regional economic development initiatives for nanotechnology now operate in a dozen or so states, and several others are getting started. To find out what kind of support is available locally for commercial development, contact the Initiative office closest to you. State and local economic development offices also can assist R&D efforts.

See also

Internet Resources

Numerous Internet resources offer information that could be of use to businesses working in or interested in nanotechnology. See Links