Online Simulation

And More

Top 25 Tags (all tags)

  1. ACUTE
  2. algorithms
  3. aqme
  4. carbon nanotubes
  5. circuits
  6. course lecture
  7. cyberinfrastructure
  8. devices
  9. education/outreach
  10. experiments
  11. material science
  12. molecular electronics
  13. nano/bio
  14. nanobio applications
  15. nano electro-mechanical systems
  16. nanoelectronics
  17. nanomedicine
  18. 0
  19. nanophotonics
  20. nano-transistors
  21. nanowires
  22. NEGF
  23. quantum dots
  24. research seminar
  25. tutorial


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About Us

What is nanoHUB?

The nanoHUB is a rich, web-based resource for research, education and collaboration in nanotechnology. The nanoHUB hosts over 1300 resources which will help you learn about nanotechnology, including Online Presentations, Courses, Learning Modules, Podcasts, Animations, Teaching Materials, and more. Most importantly, the nanoHUB offers simulation tools which you can access from your web browser, so you can not only learn about but also simulate nanotechnology devices. The nanoHUB also provides collaboration environment via Workspaces, Online meetings and User groups.

Resources come from over 550 contributors in the nanoscience community, and are used by thousands of users from over 170 countries around the world. Most of our users come from academic institutions and use nanoHUB as part of their research and educational activities. But we also have users from national labs and from industry.

nanoHUB has now cited over 260 times in the scientific literature. About 60 percent of the citations stem from authors not affiliated with the NCN. Over 200 of the citations refer to nanotechnology research, with over 150 of them citing concrete resource usage. A list of tools ranked by citations is available. 20 citations elaborate on nanoHUB use in education and over 30 refer to nanoHUB as an example of a national cyberinfrastructure.

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Our Mission

NCN logo The nanoHUB was created by the NSF-funded Network for Computational Nanotechnology (NCN). The NCN is a network of universities with a vision to pioneer the development of nanotechnology from science to manufacturing through innovative theory, exploratory simulation, and novel cyberinfrastructure. NCN students, staff, and faculty are developing the nanoHUB science gateway while making use of it in their own research and education. Collaborators and partners across the world have joined the NCN in this effort.

Join Us

Take a tour of the nanoHUB and see how you can use our infrastructure to further your own research and educational activities. Create your own account. It's free and will give you access to our online simulation tools, learning modules, and more. Become a contributor by uploading your own presentations and simulation tools onto nanoHUB for others to share. Ask a question in our community forum, and let the community help you out.

What is Nanotechnology?

A nanometer is one-billionth of a meter—25,000 times smaller than the width of a human hair, 200 times smaller than a typical virus, about the size of 3-4 atoms laid end-to-end. At that tiny scale, matter can exhibit some strange, new behaviors. Nanotechnology is all about harnessing those behaviors to create new devices and materials. Imagine a new material that is 100 times stronger than steel, with only one-sixth the weight! Imagine making a transistor out of a single molecule! Imagine molecular machines that practice personalized nanomedicine by repairing damaged cells. These are still dreams, but scientists and engineers in laboratories all over the world are working to make these dreams a reality—to turn the promise of nanoscience into technologies for the benefit of human society.


The nanoHUB is designed to be a resource to the entire nano-community, but its creation is being spearheaded by the three themes of the NCN: Nanoelectronics, NEMS/nanofluidics, and nanomedicine/biology. An effort in nanophotonics is also being seeded. The NCN seeks partnerships with center-scale efforts to broaden the scope of the nanoHUB o other fields of nanoscience.

Computation and software is a cross-cutting theme in the NCN that connects computer scientists and applied mathematicians to problem-driven scientists and engineers, to address large scale problems and develop community codes for nanotechnology.

Look at current and former NCN Principal Investigators and NCN associates to see what we are working on.

Primary Funding Support

The nanoHUB is operated by the Network for Computational Nanotechnology (NCN). NCN was funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) from 2002-2007 through a five year grant (EEC-0228390) and has been renewed for another 5 years under a cooperative agreement with NSF (EEC-0634750). Part of the middleware was/is developed under an associated National Middleware Initiative (NMI) NSF grant (OCI-0438246) in 2004-2007 and a subsequent Software Development for Cyberinfrastructure (SDCI) NSF grant (OCI-0721680) in 2007-2010.