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Highlights Archive

The items listed below have appeared previously on the home page.

  • Cooperative Hydrate Research Advanced by Three International Agreements Recent international agreements made by the U.S. aim to leverage findings of unique and key gas hydrate R&D efforts worldwide, and advance ongoing and future efforts aimed at energy exploration and the role of methane hydrates in the environment.
  • The Summer 2008 edition of Fire in the Ice is now available. In this edition read about an update on results of the Spring 2008 Mallik well test in Canada, the relationship between pore fluid profiles and methane flux, current perspectives on methane release from hydrates during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, and an Update on seismic-scale rock physics of methane hydrates. The "Spotlight on Research" features Koji Yamamoto of JOGMEC.
  • DOE Report: Alaska North Slope Has Plenty of Potential  The Office of Fossil Energy has issued a comprehensive new report Alaska North Slope Oil and Gas: A Promising Future or an Area in Decline? To answer this question, the report examines the potential for Arctic Alaska to remain a major contributor to the Nation's domestic energy supply under different development scenarios.
  • Methane Hydrates Funding Opportunity Announcement Extension The purpose of this amendment is to extend the closing date for Technical Topic Area 1, “Resource Assessment and Field Testing on the Alaska North Slope” (DE-PS26-08NT43260-01) and Technical Topic Area 4, “Hydrate in the Global Environment” (DE-PS26-08NT43260-04) of the Funding Opportunity Announcement, "Methane HYdrates 2008". Because of confusion surrounding the closing date for Technical Topic Area of Interest 1 and Technical Topic Area of Interest 4 of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), the closing date for these topic areas is extended to Monday, June 16, 2008 at 8:00 PM EST. Applicants who have already submitted applications under these Areas of Interest need not resubmit.
  • DOE seeking candidates for two advisory committes The Department of Energy is currently seeking nominations of qualified individuals to serve on the Ultra-Deepwater Advisory Committee and the Unconventional Resources Technology Advisory Committee. The closing date for receipt of resumes is May 2, 2008. Read more
  • SCNGO Funding Opportunity Released
    The intent of this Department of Energy (DOE), National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is to initiate R&D to address a broad spectrum of environmental, and exploration and production (E&P) issues associated with unconventional oil and gas resource development, including those associated with the Bakken Shale of North Dakota and Montana, the Arctic North Slope and other frontier resource areas. For more information regarding the FOA, please visit the DOE-NETL business / solicitation website.
  • NETL-Funded Pipeline Robot Revolutionizes Inspection Process The self-propelled Explorer II robot demonstrates it can maneuver through most gas lines to spot pipeline defects before they escalate into gas leaks or ruptures.
    Read more on this technology.
  • NETL-Funded "Deep Trek" Project Yields Rugged New Electronic Chips  Innovative new electronic components developed with support from DOE's Oil and Natural Gas Program could revolutionize the process of recovering natural gas trapped miles below the Earth's surface. Read more on Deep Trek
  • Alaska Spur Pipeline Route Study Now Available  The final report and associated appendices for the DOE-NETL project entitled "Conceptual Engineering / Socioeconomic Impact Study - Alaska Spur Pipeline" is now available. The study was conducted as an effort to provide current information pertaining to the potential construction of a buried spur pipeline that would bring gas from a proposed Alaska North Slope (ANS) gas line to Interior and Southcentral Alaska. The study is intended to provide comparative information for each of two proposed spur line routings (Fairbanks Spur and Delta Junction Spur). Access the report and appendices at the following ftp site
  • Oil and Gas R&D Solicitations Released Over $35 million of government funding was identified in Section 999 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to conduct R&D in the areas of (1) Ultra-deepwater architecture and technology, (2) Unconventional natural gas and other petroleum resources exploration and production technology, and (3) the technology challenges of small producers. NETL will provide oversight for the “Ultra-Deepwater and Unconventional Natural Gas and Other Petroleum Resources Program” conducted by the Research Partnership to Secure Energy for America (RPSEA). The following link,, will direct you to the RPSEA’s first solicitations, which are now open.
  • Gas Storage Technology Consortium(GSTC) Request for Proposals Proposal submission is due Oct 25, 2007 at 5:00 PM EST. All proposals received in response to the request will be heard at the GSTC fall meeting in Portland, Oregon on November 6-7, 2007. More on GSTC
  • 2007 Annual Plan Released! [PDF] The Energy Policy Act of 2005 provides funding for "a program of research, development, demonstration, and commercial application of technologies for ultra-deepwater and unconventional natural gas and other petroleum resource exploration and production to maximize the value of U.S. resources by increasing supply from these resources." More Information on EPAct2005
  • DOE-Led Partnership Creates Tool to Raise Output of Non-Conventional Natural Gas This project has successfully demonstrated a new technology that will help optimize the output of natural gas from the often-grudging non-conventional gas reserves on which the U.S. will have to depend for half its domestic production in the future.
  • Oil and Natural Gas Program Uses Stranded Gas to Revive Oil Production
    A DOE project, managed by NETL, is turning "stranded" natural gas at marginal, or low-production, oil fields into fuel for distributed electric power.
  • DOE's Produced Water Program Yields New Web Tool  NETL, in partnership with Argonne National Laboratory, has developed the Produced Water Management Information System (PWMIS), a new a web-based tool designed to help America's oil and natural gas producers tackle produced water, one of their toughest environmental challenges.
  • New Seismic Technology Improves Pre-Drill Diagnostics for Deep Oil and Gas Reservoirs  New technology developed through a cost-shared project managed by NETL is improving industry's ability to identify commercially viable deep oil and gas targets prior to drilling.
  • DOE Oil Recovery Project Extends Success through Technology Transfer
    A groundbreaking oil-recovery project managed by the National Energy Technology Laboratory is coming to a close, but its success will continue to be felt throughout the United States and the world.
  • Archive of Unconventional Gas Research Data Now Available The compiled research and development (R&D) reports chronicle work carried out during the 1980s and 1990s that played a vital role in helping to meet the nation's growing demand for natural gas. This archive includes nearly 1,400 documents.
  • DOE-Supported Oil and Gas Advances Garner Prestigious Innovation Award Two DOE/NETL-sponsored technological advances that could help increase U.S. recoverable reserves of oil and natural gas have won awards for engineering innovation and were recognized at this year's Offshore Technology Conference in Houston. The technologies received the Hart's E&P Magazine Special Meritorious Awards for Engineering Innovation. View photos of award presentation
  • Research Opens Way to 218 Billion Barrels of By-Passed Domestic Oil
    A new computer tool, developed as part of a NETL-managed project, will increase recovery of up to 218 billion barrels of by-passed oil remaining in mature domestic fields.
  • NETL Reports Provide Important Information for Deep Gas Explorers
    Two comprehensive reports provide detailed geologic information of the Northern Appalachian Basin and northeastern Gulf Coast regions. These reports are an important source of information for companies interested in exploring these regions for deep gas, enhancing the likelihood that trillions of cubic feet of natural gas can be added to our Nation’s domestic supply of energy.
  • First Round Winner of the new Methane Hydrate Research Fellowship Program Announced   Ms. Monica Heintz, a Ph.D. student at the University of California at Santa Barbara, has received the inaugural award, which is part of a new NETL program that provides support for graduate and post-graduate scientists in fields related to the study of methane hydrates. DOE announced the award at the Offshore Technology Conference in Houston, Texas on May 2.
  • Oil and Natural Gas Projects Featured in "2006 NETL Accomplishments Report". Innonative NETL-sponsored projects pursue advanced exploration and production technologies, investigate emerging resources, and tackle the issues faced by our aging transmission, distribution, and refining infrastructure.
  • DOE-Supported Oil and Gas Advances Garner Prestigious Innovation Award Two DOE/NETL-sponsored technological advances that could help increase U.S. recoverable reserves of oil and natural gas have won awards for engineering innovation and will be recognized at this year's Offshore Technology Conference in Houston. The technologies are slated to receive the Hart's E&P Magazine Special Meritorious Awards for Engineering Innovation.
  • Microhole “Designer” Seismic Testing Its Potential in the Field  Using microhole technology developed in partnership with the National Energy Technology Laboratory to inexpensively deploy sensors for vertical seismic profiling (VSP) could dramatically enhance the oil and gas industry’s ability to find and produce huge volumes of by-passed oil and natural gas.
  • Data Gathering Completed for North Slope Hydrate Well  Coring, logging and sampling operations have been successfully completed on the Mt. Elbert Prospect, an Alaska North Slope (ANS) well designed to test the potential for methane hydrates to become part of the overall ANS energy portfolio. The well tested a new method for identifying where methane hydrates might exist beneath Arctic permafrost. The cooperative R&D project between BP Exploration (Alaska) and DOE took place in the Milne Point Field near Prudhoe Bay, Alaska.
  • DOE's Microhole R&D Program Yielding Promising New Tools Technology being developed under the Energy Department's ambitious, two-year-old Microhole Initiative is already yielding new tools designed to drill ultrasmall-diameter natural gas and oil wells.
  • NETL-Funded R&D Yields Non-Disruptive Plastic Natural Gas Pipeline Repair Tool  NETL’s research partnership with Timberline Tools of Whitefish Montanta and Oregon State University resulted in a unique new tool that can remotely repair plastic natural gas distribution pipelines without disrupting natural gas flow.
  • Presentations on New Methane Hydrate R&D Program Projects Now Available Presentations on six new Hydrate R&D Program projects were made at NETL on January 7, 2007. Information is also available for two upcoming oil and natural gas presentations.
  • Methane Hydrate Research Fellowship Now Available!  NETL has launched an academic research fellowship program to support qualified postgraduate students in their pursuit of advanced degrees related to methane hydrate science.
  • Colorado Company Pursues Low-Cost, Low-Impact Technology to Develop Nation's Oil Shale Resources A DOE-funded project has successfully demonstrated the viability of a new technology that could prove to be the key to unlocking America's largest potential source of oil.
  • DOE-Funded 'Microhole' Drilling Rig Demonstrated Successfully in Midcontinent  A DOE-funded technology that could change the way America's oil and natural gas wells are drilled has been successfully demonstrated in the Nation's Midcontinent region.
  • DOE Project Revives Oil Production in Abandoned Fields on Osage Tribal Lands A technology developed with DOE funding has revived oil production in two abandoned oilfields on Osage Indian tribal lands in northeastern Oklahoma.
  • DOE-Funded Project Honored with Environmental Stewardship Award Project Developed Low-Cost Methods, Tools to Remediate Old, Orphaned Oil Sites - A U.S. Department of Energy-funded project has been honored with a major national award for superior environmental stewardship related to oil and natural gas operations.
  • DOE-Funded Technology to Upgrade Low-Quality Natural Gas Commercialized Research Targets Subquality Gas Resource Comprising a Third of U.S. Gas Reserves
  • DOE-Funded Technology Improves Directional Drilling Efficiency, Safety A new Department of Energy-funded technology has demonstrated the capability to dramatically reduce costs and improve safety and efficiency in drilling America's oil and natural gas wells. The new system uses robotics and innovative software to "unstick" non-vertical wells.
  • DOE Researchers Developing Technology to Safely Detect Flaws in Plastic Gas Pipelines The Department of Energy's National Energy Technology Laboratory is developing the first technology that can detect flaws in plastic natural gas pipelines without disrupting pipeline operations. It potentially is applicable to almost one-quarter of the Nation's natural gas pipeline system.
  • Model Shows $250 Billion of Benefits from DOE’s Core Oil & Natural Gas R&D - Also read R&D success stories  Recent results from DOE’s National Energy Modeling System have indicated that the Office of Fossil Energy’s core Oil and Natural Gas R&D Program will benefit the Nation by $250 Billion of cumulative benefits through the year 2025.
  • NETL-Supported Technologies Win R&D 100 Awards Two Oil and Natural Gas R&D Program projects have resulted in technologies that have earned prestigious R&D 100 Awards from R&D Magazine
  • DOE, Industry Consortium Project Deploys New Stripper Well Tool  Vortex Flow LLC has deployed its novel technology to more than 200 stripper well operations nationwide, helping to increase oil and gas production while lowering maintenance costs. Technology development was sponsored by the Stripper Well Consortium, a national group co-funded by the Department of Energy
  • New Projects to Uncover the Potential of America's Methane Hydrate Resource Six cost-shared R&D projects will seek to unlock this huge potential source of hydrocarbon energy.
  • A Two-For-One Solution....  A new cost-shared project will inject carbon dioxide (CO2) into an oil reservoir to maximize domestic oil production. At the same time, the project will assess the potential for later storing CO2 in the reservoir once the oil is depleted rather than emitting it into the atmosphere.
  • New Document details potential natural gas demand for South Central and other areas of Alaska [PDF-3.71MB] The document, "Alaska Natural Gas Needs and Market Assessment", details potential natural gas demand for South Central and other areas of Alaska directly associated with a potential spur pipeline connecting the proposed Alaska North Slope Gas Pipeline to the Cook Inlet pipeline infrastructure.
  • DOE Initiative Targets Ultra-Low Environmental Impacts of OIl & Gas Recovery Low-Impact Natural Gas and Oil (LINGO) Projects to Demonstrate New Paradigm for Operating in Sensitive Areas
  • DOE Funded Project Revives Aging California Oil Field Technology developed under a U.S. Department of Energy-funded research project has breathed new life into one of America's largest mature producing oilfields
  • Research to Help Unlock Nation's Largest Growing Source of Natural Gas   Two cost-shared R&D projects will target America's major source of natural gas: low-permeability or "tight" gas formations.
  • New Hydrate Research Effort in the Indian Ocean! This research effort utilizes tools developed by Department of Energy supported projects as part of the National Methane Hydrate R&D Program.
  • DOE Selects Projects Targeting Deep Natural Gas Resources   DOE announces the selection of seven cost-shared research and development projects that will focus on developing the advanced technologies needed to tackle drilling and production challenges posed by natural gas deposits lying more than 20,000 feet below the earth's surface. The Deep Trek Program
  • New Document details potential natural gas demand for South Central and other areas of Alaska The document, "Alaska Natural Gas Needs and Market Assessment", details potential natural gas demand for South Central and other areas of Alaska directly associated with a potential spur pipeline connecting the proposed Alaska North Slope Gas Pipeline to the Cook Inlet pipeline infrastructure. Read More [PDF-3.71MB]
  • Deep Trek Program Helps Producers Tap Deep Natural Gas Resources! The Deep Trek program has achieved major milestones in the development of "smart" tools that can withstand extreme temperatures, pressures and other harsh conditions in the search for, and production of, huge gas resources lying three to five miles below the earth's surface. (Read More)
  • DOE R&D Puts CO2 EOR On The Verge Of Explosive Growth! Technology advances, higher oil prices, reduced costs, and environmental needs have aligned to create a strong growth opportunity for a wellestablished method for enhancing oil recovery (EOR) in the United State: carbon dioxide (CO2) flooding. Read Brochure [PDF-3.43MB]
  • Revolutionary 'Smart' Drill Pipe Creates Downhole Internet! A U.S. Department of Energy-funded technology that establishes a "downhole Internet" for drilling oil and natural gas wells is now available for commercial use. (Read More)
  • Innovative Computer Model Mimics Methane Hydrate Production Settings The TOUGH-Fx/Hydrate simulation program is helping researchers and industry better understand the future production potential of methane hydrate reservoirs. Since its public release in 2005, program licenses have been granted to oil and gas companies and other organizations in more than ten countries. Read More >
  • New Natural Gas & Oil Funding Opportunity - The funding opportunity "Enhanced Oil and Gas Production Through CO2 Injection" has an application due date of May 5, 2006. NETL Solicitation Page
  • GOM Hydrates JIP/DOE Drilling Data & Hydrate Tool & Protocol Development Workshop - This workshop will be held April 13th & 14th in Houston, Texas and is open to JIP members and others interested in the latest developments in the commercialization of naturally occurring gas hydrates. Visit the workshop website for more information.
  • DOE-Funded Project Revives Aging California Oilfield   Read More >
  • Three New Transmission, Distribution & Storage Reports are now available. Visit the Oil & Natural Gas Reference Shelf
  • Draft Environmental Assessment(EA) for the LNG from Coal Mine Methane for Industrial and Transportation Applications Project [PDF-3.94MB]
  • New CO2 EOR Brochure Available - The new CO2 EOR Technology Brochure [PDF-1406KB] discusses DOE R&D that puts CO2 EOR on the verge of explosive growth.
  • New Natural Gas & Oil Funding Opportunities - There are four open solicitations targeting: Methane Hydrates; Advanced Detection and Imaging of Low Permeability Gas Formations; High Pressure and High Temperature Drilling; and Enhanced Oil and Gas Production through CO2 Injection. NETL Solicitation Page
  • Newly Released - The Winter 2006 Issue of "Eye on Environment" newsletter focuses on Low Impact Natural Gas and Oil (LINGO) and Federal Lands Access research.
  • Three New Transmission, Distribution & Storage Reports Are Now Available Visit the Oil & Natural Gas Reference Shelf
  • Seismic Tool Guides First Deep Well Through San Andreas Fault
    Newly commercialized oil and gas technology benefits earthquake research efforts.  Read More
  • Revolutionary Technology Could Significantly Increase Heavy Oil Production
    A revolutionary new DOE-funded oil production technology that promises lower costs, reduced environmental and safety risks, and increased production is being commercialized by research partner Completion Concepts Inc., Katy, TX.
     Read More
  • New Tool Allows for Above-Ground Repairs of Distribution Lines
     A joint effort between Timberline Tool and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has sped commercialization of the first "keyhole" squeeze-off tool for 4- to 6-inch polyethylene pipe.
     Project Description
  • Latest Editions of Newsletters Now Available The latest editions of  "Eye on the Environment" , "Fire in the Ice" , and "GasTIPS" are now available. Visit the SCNGO reference shelf for other SCNGO publications.
  • DOE-funded R&D Seeks to Bolster Coalbed Gas, Water Resources in Western States  Department of Energy-funded research has resulted in the commercialization of an innovative technology designed to bolster supplies of two of America's most critical natural resources: natural gas and water.  Read More!
  • Fossil Energy Research Results in Crow Reservation Exploration Oil Well
    The first exploratory oil well to be drilled on the Crow Reservation of Montana in decades is forthcoming, thanks to research funded by DOE's Office of Fossil Energy.  Read More!
  • New Natural Gas Project Descriptions Over 160 natural gas project descriptions have been updated to provide more information on DOE/NETL sponsored projects. Project Table of Contents.
  • Three Software Packages Are Now Available.  LBNL's new hydrate reservoir simulator, TOUGH+/HYDRATE v1.0, is now publicly available for licensing along with PetraSim, an interactive preprocessor and postprocessor for TOUGH+/HYDRATE.  Also, the fracture network generator/flow model  FRACGEN/NFFLOW is available on CD.  Visit the SCNGO software site
  • DOE-Heavy Oil Potential Key to Alaskan North Slope Oil Future
    Alaska's North Slope boasts a massive heavy oil resource that someday could underpin the survival of one of the Nation's most critical oil-producing provinces and research funded by the Department of Energy may provide the key to unlocking this vast but, to date, largely intractable oil resource. Read More!
  • A newly released publication recounts NETL's assessment of deep and tight gas resources in the Anadarko Basin of Oklahoma. The Oklahoma Geological Survey has released  a 133 page circular comprised of articles contributed by presenters at a symposium for oil and gas producers that focused on improving industry's understanding of the unconventional energy resources in the southern Midcontinent. Read More!  
  • NETL's Microhole Program is Profiled in Special Report in Oil & Gas Journal Read Article!  PDF - 892K
  • DOE Sponsored Methane Hydrate Research Cruise  in the Gulf of Mexico
    A special section of the National Methane Hydrate R&D Program website provides status reports, scientific updates, and pictures from the April/May 2005 expedition.
  • DOE-Consortium Delivers Six New Commercially-Ready "Stripper Well" Technologies  Read More!
  • Russian Technology Program Funding Opportunity
    The objective is to receive applications for cost-shared development and demonstration projects using promising Russian technologies in the United States of America. Technical areas include Oil Pipeline Spill Detection and Upstream Oil Production Technologies.
  • 16th Oil Recovery Conference, April 6-7
    Hosted by the Tertiary Oil Recovery Project and the North Midcontinent Petroleum Technology Transfer Council. Topics include 3D Visualization of Geology, Geophysics and Petroleum Engineering; and updates on several NETL projects.
  • Training in the use of the TOUGH-Fx / HYDRATE v1.0 code,
    March 28 - April 1.

    The training course will be held at the site of LBNL in Berkeley, California . It will cover a wide spectrum of hydrate-related simulation scenarios, including the development and analysis of real-life problems of interest to the participants. More Information!
  • DOE Announces R&D Funding for Microhole Technology Projects
    The Department of Energy has marked another key milestone in its research and development (R&D) initiative to develop "microhole" technologies aimed at slashing the costs and reducing the environmental impacts of drilling America's oil and gas wells. Read More!
  • 3-D Seismic Technology Locates Natural Gas in Fractured Reservoirs
    Large volumes of natural gas are being tapped from the tight rocks of the San Juan Basin in New Mexico's Rio Arriba County. Read More!
  • Ultra-low Cost Well Monitoring Could Save Thousands of Marginal Oil Wells - DOE-funded Project in California Tested Successfully
    A new, ultra-low cost method for monitoring marginal oil wells promises to help rescue thousands of U.S. wells from an early demise.  Read More!

  • CO2 Injection Boosts Oil Recovery, Captures Emissions
    A watershed project in Kansas funded by the U.S. Department of Energy demonstrates CO2 injection for enhanced oil recovery in the Hall-Gurney oil field. The payoff could be hundreds of millions of barrels of oil in Kansas that otherwise might never be produced.  Read More.
  • Interactive Website Pinpoints Areas to Recover More Oil, Gas
    A software program that projects how much oil or natural gas lies in a reservoir, and how much more can be recovered, has the potential to save millions of dollars while increasing our Nation's oil and natural gas supplies. And it's free.   Read more!
  • Robot Successfully Inspects Live Natural Gas Pipeline in New York
    In a recent field demonstration filled with firsts, a self-powered robot developed by the Northeast Gas Association, Carnegie Mellon University, and the NETL successfully inspected a mile of a live natural gas distribution main in Brockport, NY. Read more!
  • NETL Microhole Technologies Project Nominated as a Finalist in "New Horizons Idea" category of annual World Oil Awards!
    Technologies selected for this award are recognized as representing "break-through thinking that will help guide the next generation of the world oil industry" Read more! [PDF-87KB]
  • Meeting Future Demands for Natural Gas in South-Central Alaska...
    A DOE report finds that further development of Cook Inlet Basin gas fields and a new spur pipeline could provide needed natural gas to south-central Alaska. Download Study [PDF-4MB]
  • Natural Gas Presentations Available
    Presentations from the NETL sponsored "Gas Industry Forum" Session 10, part of the Natural Gas Technologies II Conference "Ingenuity and Innovation" ,which was held 02/8-11/04 in Phoenix, AZ are now available.  During the forum, industry and government leaders provided keen insights regarding natural gas supply, demand, technology, and policy issues. 
    Click here to view panelists' presentations.