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Home > Consumer GuidesAll TopicsF > Fraud

Search Results 1–16 of 16 Web Pages | Show in Pages | See Categories and Related Topics
Avoid Hurricane Scams and Fraud
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is seeing an increase in websites soliciting for charitable donations to aid hurricane survivors. This page provides consumer advice on how to spot scams rela... Details >
U.S. General Services Administration
Consumer Action Website
Get help with consumer problems and complaints. Find consumer contacts at hundreds of companies and trade associations, local, state, and federal government agencies, national consumer organizations, ... Details >
Federal Citizen Information Center, U.S. General Services Administration
Federal Trade Commission Consumer Alert: Medicare Part D Solicitations
Information about the Medicare Part D prescription drug plan is in the news just about every day. Scam artists also follow the headlines, and they are reportedly contacting seniors claiming to represe... Details >
Federal Trade Commission
Health Quackery: Spotting Health Scams  External Links Disclaimer Logo
Also available in: Spanish  External Links Disclaimer Logo
Quacks — people who sell unproven remedies — have been around for years. Today they have more ways than ever to peddle their wares. In addition to TV, radio, magazines, newspapers, infomercials, mail,... Details >
National Institute on Aging Information Center
How to Report Problems With Products Regulated by FDA
Consumers are urged to report defective and problematic products to the Food and Drug Administration. The evaluation procedures for foods, drugs, cosmetics, medical devices, and veterinary drugs are d... Details >
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
IGNet links the Offices of Inspector General who conduct audits, inspections, and investigations in more than 60 Federal agencies, as well as their peers in state and local government, education, and ... Details >
Office of Inspector General, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
MedWatch Online Voluntary Reporting Form (3500)
This MedWatch Online form is available to you for the voluntary reporting of serious adverse events, potential and actual medical product errors, and product quality problems associated with the use o... Details >
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Miracle Health Claims: Add a Dose of Skepticism
Also available in: Spanish
Remember the first rule of thumb for evaluating health claims: If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. This brochure will help you spot false and unsubstantiated claims. It describes some ty... Details >
Federal Trade Commission
National Consumer Organizations
These organizations define their missions as consumer assistance, protection and/or advocacy and can be of assistance in matters related to fraud and scams.... Details >
Federal Citizen Information Center, U.S. General Services Administration
National Fraud Information Center/Internet Fraud Watch  External Links Disclaimer Logo
The National Fraud Information Center/Internet Fraud Watch, operated by the National Consumers League, gives consumers the information they need to avoid becoming victims of telemarketing and Internet... Details >
National Consumers League
Project Waistline
You've Seen the Claims... Now Get the Facts! Are you one of the estimated 50 million Americans who will go on a diet this year? If so, you may be tempted by advertisements for products promising easy... Details >
Federal Trade Commission
Protecting Yourself Against Health Fraud
An index of selected information gathered from various government agencies that adress health fraud - includes the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Federal Trade Commission (FTC).... Details >
Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Reporting Unlawful Sales of Medical Products on the Internet
This FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) site provides several options online from which you can choose to report any organization or online pharmacy you think is illegally selling human drugs, an... Details >
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
State, County and City Government Consumer Protection Offices
This page provides contact information on state and local consumer protection agencies. They might mediate complaints, conduct investigations, prosecute offenders of consumer laws, license and regulat... Details >
Federal Citizen Information Center, U.S. General Services Administration
U.S. Consumer Gateway
This page provides access to consumer health information resources available from U.S. Government agencies. Include: health information resources, fraud & scam, health technology and product safety.... Details >
General Government Agency
Virtual Treatments Can Be Real-World Deception
The Federal Trade Commission advises on how to detect unscrupulous marketers who use cyberspace to peddle "miracle" treatments and cures to vulnerable consumers.... Details >
Federal Trade Commission

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