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Search Services List

You can search for:
Service Type (select one or more service types by using the alt or shift keys)

Text Search of Description (including Service Location, City, State, and Procuring Agency Name)

Enter your search criteria into the box below, and then press the "Search" button.:

Procurement List as of 7/1/08. Additions and deletions after 7/1/08 are not reflected in search results.

Alphabetic by Service Type Alphabetic by City Alphabetic by State Alphabetic by Procuring Activity

Number of records per page? 5 10 20 100 All Records

Note: The search is not case sensitive. It allows Boolean operators (e.g., and, or) and wildcards (*, ?). Searching the description searches the NSN, nounname, and description automatically. Put quotes around a phrase if you want it to be searched as a phrase; otherwise, it will search for combinations of those words. You can also use parentheses if necessary.

Entering these criteria
Gives these results
Stamp, Rubber (the word stamp, followed by a comma, followed by the word rubber)
Gives you records containing either the word Stamp or the word Rubber
Stamp or Rubber (the word stamp, followed by the word or, followed by the word rubber)
Gives you records containing either the word Stamp or the word Rubber
Rubber or Stamp (the word stamp, followed by the word or, followed by the word rubber) Gives you records containing either the word Stamp or the word Rubber
"Stamp, Rubber" (stamp comma rubber, surrounded by quotes)
Gives you records containing the exact phrase "Stamp, Rubber"
Stamp Rubber
Gives you records containing the exact phrase "Stamp Rubber"
Rubber Stamp Gives you records containing the exact phrase "Rubber Stamp"
Stamp and Rubber Gives you records containing the word Stamp AND the word Rubber
Stam* Gives you records containing any words beginning with Stam


Seal of The Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled The Committee for Purchase From PeopleWho Are Blind or Severely Disabled
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Comments on this website? Contact webmaster@jwod.gov. This page last updated: 12-Aug-2008.