Department of the Interior

Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual



Effective Date:  1/31/08

Series:  Organization

Part 155:  Bureau of Reclamation

Chapter 9:  Director, Policy and Program Services


Originating Office:  Bureau of Reclamation


155 DM 9


9.1     Director, Policy and Program Services (PPS).  Responsible for performing analyses of Reclamation’s resource management, administrative, and programmatic matters; developing, formulating, and evaluating the implementation of resource management, administrative, and programmatic regulations, policies, directives and standards, and guidance affecting Reclamation’s mission objectives; formulating new initiatives and programs; managing certain centrally managed programs as assigned; and providing liaison with offices throughout Reclamation, the Department, other agencies, outside organizations, and the private sector.  This office also manages centralized programs such as drought, water reuse and recycling, rural water, and other programs as assigned.  The office is located in Denver, CO.  The office includes the following:


          A.      Manager, Program Services Office.  Provides program and administrative support services to PPS.  Performs a variety of planning, analyses, and evaluation activities to ensure the financial integrity of PPS’s budget.  Develops and implements business practice improvements, conducts special studies and analyses, prepares reports and presentations to interested parties, and develops and maintains PPS web pages.  Manages, processes, and maintains all Reclamation Manual Policy and Directives and Standards for Reclamation programs.  Serves as the principal support staff for performance measurement programs such as Government Performance Results Act, Program Assessment Rating Tool, and Activity Based Costing.  Responsibilities also include water resource management and development activities including water recycling and reuse, rural water, drought, and other western water initiatives.  Develops regulations, policy, and directives and standards for the purpose of optimizing and improving existing supplies of water through more efficient operations, modernization of systems, and the investigation and application of advancing technologies.


          B.      Manager, Land Resources Office.  Develops regulations, policies, directives and standards, and guidelines for land resources management, recreation, concessions and visitor center management, cultural resources management, the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act, and the museum property and history programs, including advice, coordination, leadership, and training; administers Reclamation’s real estate and real property information system; provides program oversight and coordination for the National Register of Historic Places; coordinates programs for museum property and Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act; implements Reclamation’s history and oral history program; and conducts the review and approval process for commercial concessions prospectuses and contracts.  Develops, implements, and reviews regulations, policies, directives and standards, guidelines, and procedures pertaining to the administration and enforcement of the acreage limitation provisions of Federal reclamation law, including the Reclamation Reform Act of 1982.  Provides policy analysis related to the administration and enforcement of the acreage limitation provisions and oversight and support to field activities.


          C.      Manager, Water and Environmental Resources Office.  Responsible for the policy and program formulation for water resources management which includes the areas of water-related contracts, incidental revenues management, economics, water conservation, and general water resources issues.  This office is also responsible for environmental compliance which includes but is not limited to compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act, Endangered Species Act, and the Clean Water Act; hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal; hazardous material compliance; Environmental Management Systems; pest management and invasive species; and pesticide use and disposal.  Under these programs, this office is responsible for the development, coordination, and consistent application of Federal laws, in particular Federal reclamation law, Federal environmental laws, regulations, and Reclamation Manual Policy and Directives and Standards.  Provides program formulation, development, and coordination; policy formulation and analysis; advice in policy implementation; and strategic planning in both the water resources and environmental compliance areas.  This includes but is not limited to resources planning; hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal; hazardous materials compliance; Environmental Management Systems; pest management and invasive species; and pesticide use and disposal.  Establishes environmental liaison with other Federal agencies, state and local governments, universities, and public and special interest groups; and provides guidance and training to environmental personnel located in various Reclamation offices.  Serves as the link among regional offices, the Commissioner, the Office of the Solicitor, and the Department to ensure compliance with laws, regulations, and policies related to natural resources, water supply, water service, repayment and related contracts, and incidental revenues.


          D.      Manager, Maintenance Services Office.  Responsible for facilitation and development of Reclamation’s policies, directives and standards, and business standards for asset management and maintenance program activities; acts as the principal liaison and coordinator of Reclamation’s maintenance program activities with other Federal agencies, the Department, and the private sector; serves as the technical expert and coordinator of all business functions related to Reclamation’s computerized maintenance management system for capital assets; the coordinator of Reclamation-wide asset management (e.g., facility inventory, financial reconciliation, condition assessment, and maintenance strategy) for Reclamation assets.  Supports the Department’s asset management program and development and maintenance of a water rights database.  Maintains close ties with the Dam Safety Office and the regional maintenance community to share information on common issues.


1/31/08 #3796

Replaces 10/4/96 #3091