Effective Date:

Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual



Effective Date:  5/11/07

Series:  Organization

Part 112:  Policy, Management and Budget

Chapter 28:  Office of Hawaiian Relations


Originating Office:  Office of Hawaiian Relations


112 DM 28


28.1   Office of Hawaiian Relations.  The Office of Hawaiian Relations discharges the Secretary's responsibilities for matters related to Native Hawaiians.  The office also serves as a conduit for the Department’s field activities in Hawaii to assure fast responses on field matters requiring Departmental review; and it provides expertise, leadership, and assistance in the coordination of programs and policies.


28.2   Authority.  The Office of Hawaiian Relations was authorized by Congress in Public Law 108-199 on January 23, 2004, and in Public Law 104-42 on November 2, 1995.


28.3   Mission.  The mission of the office is to serve as a liaison with the Native Hawaiian community and work with the Department and its bureaus on issues affecting Hawaii.


 28.4  Responsibilities.  The major responsibilities of the office include:


          A.      Fulfilling Departmental responsibilities for the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act and the Hawaiian Home Lands Recovery Act.


          B.      Conducting operations and/or legal (in conjunction with the Office of the Solicitor) research studies of Departmental policy issues involving Hawaii, and providing assistance to the Office of  the Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget and other Departmental offices on such matters as appropriate.


          C.      Maintaining active liaison with the appropriate Federal, State, Native Hawaiian community, and private interests.


          D.      Reviewing legislative proposals, correspondence, and other memoranda and communications involving Hawaii for policy adequacy in coordination with the Office of Congressional and Legislative Affairs, the Office of Budget, the Office of the Executive Secretariat and Regulatory Affairs, and other Secretarial offices.


          E.      Providing leadership and direction for Federal Agencies engaged in issues that affect Native Hawaiian rights, resources, or lands.


          F.      Advising the Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget and the Deputy Assistant Secretary - Policy and International Affairs of potential problems and/or opportunities in Hawaii for assigned programs and/or issues.


          G.      Coordinating with the National Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) Program to ensure obligations to Native Hawaiian Organizations are met under NAGPRA.


          H.      Coordinating with the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation to ensure obligations to Native Hawaiian Organizations are met under the National Historic Preservation Act.


28.5   Organization.  The office is headed by a Director who reports to the Deputy Assistant Secretary - Policy and International Affairs.  The Director carries out the responsibilities of the office with the assistance of program staff and shares administrative support staff with the Office of Policy Analysis.


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