Department of the Interior

Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual



Effective Date:  2/21/06

Series:  Information Resources Management  

Part 386:  Web Management

Chapter 3:  Web Standards and Guidelines 


Originating Office:  Office of the Chief Information Officer


386 DM 3

3.1     Purpose.  The purpose of this chapter is to provide policy and general guidance for the Department in carrying out its Web-related responsibilities.  This chapter is intended to be used in conjunction with the Departmental Web Standards Handbook. The guidance provided in this document, and the accompanying standards, are intended for Internet Web sites.  However, it is recommended, though not mandated, that this document, and the standards (those that are appropriate), be applied to Intranet sites.

3.2     Authority.  The authority for Web standards is provided in the E-Gov Act of 2002, OMB Circular A-130, Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA), Government Paperwork Elimination Act (GPEA), OMB Memorandum M-05-04 and other relevant authorities.


3.3     Policy.  The policy of the Department is to provide access, through the Web, to timely and accurate information to employees, partners, and the public in accordance with Federal, State and Departmental laws; and to improve the methods by which Government information, including information on the Internet, is organized, preserved, and made accessible to the public.


3.4     Scope.  The policy in this chapter and guidelines as published in the Departmental Web Standards Handbook apply to all bureaus and offices of the Department, including the Office of the Secretary.


3.5     Responsibilities.


          A.      The Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget (PMB) is assigned overall responsibility for Information Resources Management throughout the Department.


          B.      The Department’s Chief Information Officer (CIO) is responsible to the Secretary with operational responsibility to the Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget.  The CIO develops Departmental information resource management strategies, provides guidance, and directs technical assistance to the bureaus in planning and managing information systems and technology.


          C.      The Department’s Web Manager, located in the Office of the Chief Information Officer, has overall responsibility for developing Web-related regulations, guidelines, procedures, and standards for the Department.


          D.      The Department of the Interior Web Council (DWC) is responsible for periodically reviewing and proposing new and existing Web standards for incorporation into the Departmental Web Standards Handbook.


          E.      The Bureaus and Offices are responsible for:


                   (1)     Developing and issuing internal procedures to ensure compliance with the law and the Department’s policies and procedures, and implementing the Departmental Web Standards Handbook;


                    (2)     Designating a Web Manager responsible for implementing the Departmental Web Standards Handbook.  The bureau or office Web Manager is the primary liaison with the Department for Web related activities;


                    (3)     Complying with Federal and State laws concerning the Web as well as implementing the recommendations of the Departmental Web Standards Handbook.


3.6     Departmental Web Standards Handbook.  The Departmental Web Standards Handbook (386 DM 3, Handbook) is issued by the Department’s Chief Information Officer.  It contains Web policies and guidance for implementing and maintaining the Web presence in the Department.  The Handbook provides guidance on Web requirements mandated by Law, standard Web elements, and Web identification.  The Departmental Web Standards Handbook is available on the Department of the Interior Web site.


2/21/06 #3700
