Department of the Interior

Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 4/28/80

Series: Delegation

Part 245: National Park Service

Chapter 2: Trial Boards, United States Park Police

Originating Office: National Park Service


This chapter has been given a new release number.* No text changes were made.

245 DM 2

2.1 Rules and Regulations for Government, Conduct, and Discipline of the United States Park Police. The Director is authorized to make, change, and enforce rules and regulations for the government, conduct, and discipline of the United States Park Police (Act of October 11, 1962, Public Law 87-797, 76 Stat. 907).

2.2 Trial Boards. The Director is authorized to form, change or abolish Trial Boards for the trial of members of the United States Park Police who are charged with any violation of the rules and regulations applicable to the United States Park Police.

2.3 Appeals from Findings and Sentences of a Trial Board. The Director is authorized to decide appeals from the findings and sentences of a trial board.

2.4 Limitations.

A. The authority contained in 245 DM 2.1 may be redelegated only to the Regional Director, National Capital Region, National Park Service, and, in turn, to the Chief, United States Park Police, National Capital Region, National Park Service, and may not be further redelegated.

B. The authority contained in 245 DM 2.2 may be redelegated only to the Regional Director, National Capital Region, National Park Service, and may not be further redelegated.

C. The authority contained in 245 DM 2.3 may not be redelegated.


4/28/80 #3544

Replaces 4/28/80 #2257