Department of the Interior

Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual



Effective Date: 12/11/01

Series:  Departmental Directives

Part 011:  The Departmental Manual

Chapter 3:  Chapter Formatting Requirements


Originating Office:  Office of Planning and Performance Management


011 DM 3


3.1     Purpose.  This chapter provides the requirements for formatting Departmental Manual chapters for placement in the Electronic Library of Interior Policies (ELIPS).


3.2     Margins.  The text in each chapter must be prepared with standard 1 inch margins on all sides.


3.3     Page Header.  A standard header is required for the first page only of each DM chapter.   The header is not repeated on successive pages in a chapter.  The header format is described below:


A.      The heading ADepartment of the Interior@ is centered on the first line at the top of the header page.  The font is A14" point, bold.  


B.      The heading ADepartmental Manual@ is centered on the second line of the header page.  The font is A16" point, bold.


C.      A horizontal line will be inserted across the page from the left to the right margin two spaces below the heading identified in 3.3B above.


D.      The heading AEffective Date:@ will be typed at the left margin in bold letters, two spaces below the horizontal line identified in 3.3C above.  The effective date will be entered by the Office of Planning and Performance Management after the chapter is approved. 


E.       The heading ASeries:@ will be typed at the left margin in bold letters, on the next line below the Effective Date.  The Series title will be entered two spaces after the colon.  


F.       The heading APart@ will be typed at the left margin in bold letters on the next line below the Series.  The Part number and title are to be entered on this line. 


G.      The heading AChapter@ will be typed at the left margin in bold on the next line below the Part number.  The chapter number and title are to be entered on this line. 


H.      The heading AOriginating Office@ will be typed at the left margin in bold letters two spaces below the chapter number and title.   The title of the office responsible for writing and maintaining the chapter currency will be entered on this line.


I.        A horizontal line will be entered across the page from the left to the right margin below the heading identified in 3.2H above. 


J.       The part and chapter number will be entered in bold two spaces below the line identified in 3.3I above.


3.4     Text.  All text below the first horizontal line should be typed in ATimes New Roman.@  The font size is12 point.  Do not include page numbers, and do not use automatic outlining, paragraphing, or page numbering when typing the chapter text.  Text may be in MS Word or WordPerfect.


3.5     Paragraph Format.  Each chapter is comprised of paragraphs.  Each major paragraph is designated by Arabic numerals using the chapter and paragraph numbers separated by a period.  Each paragraph may include a subject heading typed two spaces after the number, in bold type, and ending with a period.  The first letter of each word in the major paragraph heading must be upper case (i.e., initial caps).  Major paragraphs may be subdivided into subparagraphs as indicated below:


A.      First Subdivision.  The first subdivision in each paragraph is identified by a capital letter.  Headings/captions are optional.  If a heading is used, it should be underlined.  The second line and each line thereafter is typed at the left margin. 


(1)     The second subdivision in each paragraph is identified by Arabic numerals in parentheses.   The second line and each line thereafter is typed at the left margin. 


(a)      The third subdivision in each paragraph is identified by lower case letters in parentheses.  Headings should not be used.  The second line and each line thereafter is typed at the left margin. 


(i)      The fourth subdivision in each paragraph is identified by lower case Roman numerals in parentheses.  Headings should not be used.  The second line and each line thereafter is typed at the left margin. 


3.6     Appendices.  When supplemental information is referred to in a chapter, it is placed at the end of the chapter and labeled as an AAppendix.@ 


A.      The text of the appendix is separated from the chapter with a horizontal line of hyphens across the page from the left to the right margin.


B.      Two spaces below the horizontal line in the upper far right side of the page, include the part and chapter number and appendix number.


3.7     Illustrations.  When the chapter includes a reference to a sample document, the sample document is placed at the end of the chapter and is called an AIllustration.@  The illustration should provide details of how to do something.  At the beginning of the illustration, in the upper far right corner include the part and chapter number and illustration number.  Illustrations must be in portrait position sized to print on 8 2  x 11 paper and may be in MS Word, WordPerfect, or prepared as .jpg files.


3.8     Forms.  Generally, the text should include information on how to obtain a form.  Standard DI and/or other Federal forms should not be attached.  If a form is attached, it must be completed and must include instructions.  Forms must be in portrait position sized to print on 8 2  x 11 paper and may be in MS Word, WordPerfect, or prepared as .jpg files.


3.9     Maps.  Maps must include the part and chapter number and map number in the upper far right corner.  Maps must be in portrait position sized to print on 8 2  x 11 paper and prepared as .jpg files.


3.10   Charts.  A graphic illustration of an organization, function, etc., may be attached to the chapter as a AChart.@  Charts must include the part and chapter number and chart number at the beginning, in the upper far right side of the chart.  Charts must be in portrait position sized to print on 8 2  x 11 paper and prepared as .jpg files.


3.11   Tables.  Information contained in MS Word or WordPerfect tables may be included in the text of the chapter as needed.  Tables may be included with or without lines.  A Aperiod@ must appear in all cells of the table that do not include text.  Tables must be prepared in portrait position sized to print on 8 2  x 11 paper.


12/11/01 #3386

Replaces 1/24/92 #2934