Department of the Interior

Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual



Effective Date: 12/11/01

Series:  Organization

Part 101:  Organization Management

Chapter 1:  Policy and Responsibilities


Originating Office:  Office of Planning and Performance Management


101 DM 1


1.1     Purpose.  This chapter provides the policy and defines the responsibilities for managing organizational structures throughout the Department.


1.2     Overall Policy.


A.      Organizational planning within bureaus and offices of the Department must adhere to policy and procedures set forth in 101 DM 1- 4. Organizational planning is the process by which bureaus and offices identify their structures, determine placement of functions within their structures, and determine allocation of staff and other resources among the functional entities that comprise their organizations.


B.      Organizational structures will be established and maintained to provide a framework of control and to delineate levels of responsibility required to accomplish the goals and objectives of the Department.  Standards for organizational structures are contained in 101 DM 2.


C.      Organizations will be structured for effectiveness and efficiency.  When revising existing or establishing new organization structures, the following elements must be addressed:


(1)     Ability to carry out program objectives and associated tasks in cooperation with other Federal agencies, Indian tribes, and with State and local governments;


(2)     Elimination of unnecessary organizational fragmentation and excessive layering of positions;


(3)     Effective channels of communications;


(4)     Ability to maintain accountability for program and administrative operations at appropriate organizational levels;


(5)     Impact on the morale, well-being, and productivity of employees and employee ability to provide high quality services to the Department=s customers;


 (6)    Adherence to personnel management policies and practices; and,


(7)     Cost effectiveness.


D.      An organizational change will be effected through a new or revised chapter in the Departmental Manual or through the issuance of a Secretary=s Order.


(1)     The Departmental Manual is the standard method to give notice of an organizational change.  It includes functional statements and organization charts.  It is the only authorized method of publishing and recording information that has general and continuing applicability to Departmental activities.  Policies and procedures for preparing and issuing Departmental Manual Chapters are contained in 011 DM 1- 4.


(2)     A Secretary=s Order may be used to effect an organizational change requiring urgent implementation.  Secretary=s Orders are temporary.  The contents of Secretary=s Orders must be converted to or incorporated into a new or revised Departmental Manual chapter before the Secretary=s Order expires.  Policies and procedures for preparing and issuing Secretary=s Orders are contained in 012 DM 1.


1.3     Responsibilities.


A.      The Secretariat.  The Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Assistant Secretaries, Solicitor,

and Inspector General are responsible for organizational planning and policy direction for the organizations under their jurisdictions.


B.      Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget (PMB).  The Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget exercises the Secretary=s authority to implement Departmental policy for organizational and human resources management.


(1)     The responsibilities of the Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget include:


(a)      Developing and implementing Departmental policy for organization management for headquarters and field offices.


(b)     Implementing a Departmental program for organizational reviews. 


(c)      Reviewing and approving, or recommending modifications to proposed headquarters and field office organizational changes and field office locations.


(d)     Reviewing and analyzing the effects of legislative proposals on the  Department=s organizational management policies.


(e)      Reviewing and making recommendations to the Inspector General on proposed organizational changes, and publishing those changes in the Departmental Manual.


(2)     The Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget receives staff assistance on organizational management and human resources policy from the Office of Planning and Performance Management and the Office of Personnel Policy, respectively.


(a)      The Office of Planning and Performance Management has lead staff responsibility for coordinating Departmental Manual reviews and for resolving problems that develop during the reviews; conducting special studies concerning an organization=s mission, structure, and functions and its management or program effectiveness and efficiency; and for carrying out analyses of management improvements and effects of the quality of goods and services provided to customers of Departmental organizations.  The Office of Planning and Performance Management performs and coordinates these efforts with bureaus and offices as appropriate.  (These responsibilities do not supersede the responsibilities of the Office of Inspector General to conduct reviews and special studies for the Secretary, the Secretary=s designee, or the Congress.)


(b)     The Office of Personnel Policy assumes lead staff responsibility in Departmental reviews and special studies on utilization of human resources and position management.  The Office of Personnel Policy coordinates such studies with bureaus and offices as appropriate.


C.      Heads of Bureaus and Offices.  Heads of bureaus and offices are responsible for organizational planning and for ensuring that their organizational statements and structures are current, reflect the missions of their organizations, and promote efficient and effective operations.  They exercise the following responsibilities for organizational management:


(1)     Developing, implementing, and maintaining organization and staffing plans.


(2)     Conducting organizational reviews, identifying the need for organizational improvements, and carrying out Departmental policies for making changes in organizational structures.


(3)     Coordinating with appropriate members of the Secretariat in conducting studies, developing plans for organizational improvements, and in ensuring proper internal staffing and position management of proposed organizations.


D.      Inspector General.  The Office of Inspector General (OIG) is subject to the requirements of 101 DM 1- 4, and may seek advice from the Assistant Secretary - PMB regarding organizational changes.  The ultimate determination on organizational issues is with the Inspector General subject to the general supervision of the Secretary or Deputy Secretary.


12/11/01 #3380

Replaces 10/3/90 #2900