
Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 3/27/98

Series: Aviation Management

Part 350: General Program Requirements

Chapter 1: General Administration

Originating Office: Office of Aircraft Services

350 DM 1

1.1 Purpose. Parts 350 through 354 of the Departmental Manual establish management responsibilities, policies and procedures for the utilization and operation of aircraft within the Department of the Interior (DOI). The provisions set forth in the individual chapters of each Part are applicable to all DOI bureaus that utilize or operate aircraft. Because DOI is responsible for air crewmembers and passengers on-board aircraft under its operational control, the provisions of Departmental Manual Series 350-354, OAS Operational Procedures Memoranda (OPMs) and appropriate handbooks are applicable to Interior employees, individuals or groups providing volunteer services without compensation, or any other persons supervised by Departmental employees. Persons employed by or whose work is directed solely by cooperators or contractors are exempt from provisions of these documents EXCEPT when their duties include use of flight services which are under operational control of the Department or present a serious safety hazard to DOI personnel or property.

1.2 Policy. DOI aviation activities includes both "civil" and "public" operations. Civil aircraft operations shall comply with applicable sections of 14 CFR as well as the Departmental Manual. Public aircraft operations shall comply with applicable sections of 14 CFR (control of air traffic, use of airspace, and aircraft registration) as well as the contents of this manual, unless an exception is approved by the OAS Director. Life-threatening emergencies may require deviation from the 350-354 series of the Departmental Manual (DM). For in-flight emergencies, the pilot shall take appropriate action to assure safety of flight. These situations shall be reported by the pilot to the chief pilot or supervisor and documented on Form OAS-34, SAFECOM. The DM 350-354 series does not apply to international DOI operations (except for fleet operations). However, DOI employees should attempt to follow DOI aviation policies to the extent practical. In all cases, DOI employees are expected to use good judgement and common sense.

1.3 Abbreviations. The abbreviations used throughout Parts 350-354 are listed in Appendix 4 to this chapter.

1.4 Definitions. The meaning of terms used in Parts 350 through 354 are as indicated in Appendix 5. These definitions are in addition to those found in 14 CFR 1.

1.5 Management Responsibility.

A. Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget (A/S-PMB).

The A/S-PMB, through the OAS Director, is responsible for DOI aviation management policy.

B. OAS Responsibilities. OAS is responsible for Department-wide policies and procedures involving all aviation use within DOI. A breakdown of general responsibilities is listed in 112 DM 12, and specific functions are outlined in Appendix 2 to this chapter.

C. Aviation Board of Directors.

(1) Responsibility. The Aviation Board of Directors (ABOD) is responsible for providing executive level bureau involvement in the formulation of aviation policy and the management aspects of aviation activities in the Department. The ABOD charter is located in Appendix 1.

(2) ABOD Working Team. The ABOD Working Team is available to assist the ABOD in the technical aspects of aviation management. The members address Departmental issues, initiate improvements, analyze issues, and make recommendations to the ABOD. They serve as an advisory board for OAS as it seeks to meet changing needs and determine its quality of customer service.

D. Bureau Responsibilities. Bureaus are responsible for the effective implementation and execution of Departmental policies to include management of all aspects of bureau specific aviation operations. General functional roles and responsibilities are outlined in Appendix 2 and may be realigned between organizational entities when reassignments are made in the interest of economy, safety, or efficiency of service. Such adjustments must be made with the mutual consent of appropriate bureau officials and the OAS Director. Appendix 3 is a compilation of bureau aviation management responsibilities. Functional reassignments will be recorded by OAS in one of the following ways:

(1) Memoranda of Understanding (MOU). An MOU or similar agreement to cover continuing operational situations.

(2) Memoranda. An official memoranda for one-time tasks or assignments; verbal arrangements must be confirmed in writing.

1.6 Certification. Aircraft shall be certificated, maintained and operated in accordance with the following, unless an exception from this policy is approved by the OAS Director. Vendors will be Air Carrier/Commercial Operators certificated under Federal Aviation Regulations 14 CFR Parts 121, 125, 127, 133, 135 or 137. All aircraft owned by the Department will be registered with the FAA in the name of the Department of the Interior, Office of Aircraft Services, (except for selected law enforcement aircraft) and maintained on OAS property accountability records. The Certificate of Registration will be displayed in the aircraft in accordance with FAA requirements.

A. Aircraft will be certified in accordance with 14 CFR.

B. Uncertificated Aircraft. Operation of an uncertificated aircraft requires approval of the OAS Director.

1.7 Transportation of Passengers. Travel on Government aircraft is restricted to official travel or travel on a space-available basis subject to the policies and definitions prescribed in 41 CFR Part 101-37.

A. Official Passengers. The following categories of personnel are official passengers:

(1) Officers and employees of the Federal Government traveling on official business.

(2) Members of Congress and employees of Congressional committee staffs whose work relates to DOI programs;

(3) Non-Federal passengers when engaged in missions which enhance accomplishment of a Departmental program such as personnel of cooperating state, county or local agencies; representatives of foreign governments; and contractors' representatives to include those employed by such agencies, and private citizens.

(4) Space-available passengers authorized and approved in accordance with OMB Circular A-126.

(5) Space-available travelers approved by the Secretary of the Interior on a trip-by-trip basis.

B. Unauthorized Passengers. All personnel who are not official passengers shall be considered an unauthorized passenger and are not authorized to be transported in any aircraft owned or operated by or on behalf of the Department. A person who is otherwise an official passenger could become unauthorized by performing a function for which that person is not authorized, e.g., a passenger performing pilot duties without proper authorization.

1.8 Reporting Requirements. DOI employees shall report flight hours in the following manner:

A. DOI fleet aircraft - Form OAS-2.

B. Contract and BOA aircraft - Form OAS-23.

C. Cooperator aircraft under the operational control of DOI-Form OAS-23.

D. Privately owned aircraft used on official business - Form OAS-2.

NOTE: When future interagency forms are developed, those forms should be used as appropriate.

1.9 Exceptions.

A. The OAS Director may issue written authorization for exceptions to prescribed policy providing:

(1) The deviation is in the interest of the U.S. Government, and

(2) Aviation safety considerations are not compromised.

B. Requests for exceptions must be addressed to the OAS Director from the Bureau Aviation Manager and must contain detailed justification that the waiver is essential in the accomplishment of specific bureau projects.

1.10 Interagency Boards and Committees. Through cooperative agreement with other agencies, the OAS Director, or a designated representative, may participate in boards and committees for the purpose of developing and standardizing policies, procedures, systems applications and operational criteria for the use of aviation resources.



U.S. Department of the Interior

Aviation Management

Board of Directors


The Secretary, Department of the Interior has mandated the objective to establish and assure a safe, efficient, and economical aviation program for the Department. Further, the Office of Aircraft Services is established to achieve standardization, maintain excellence in service, coordinate efficient utilization, and provide for high achievement in safety. As cited in 112 DM 12, "The Office [of Aircraft Services] is responsible for Department-wide functions related to aircraft services and facilities. The Office is a unit of the Office of the Secretary and is headed by a Director who is responsible to the Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget, and reports within the structure of that office. The Office was established effective July 1, 1973, by Departmental Manual Release No. 1549 issued by the Secretary of the Interior on June 20, 1973, under authority granted in Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1950."

I. Purpose:

The purpose of the Aviation Management Board of Directors is to provide executive level bureau involvement in the formulation of policy and the management aspects of aviation activities in the Department. The intent of the Board is to assure bureau/office oversight to achieve aviation services and management commensurate with mission requirements.

II. Authority:

The Aviation Management Board of Directors is hereby established by authority of the Secretary of the Interior through this charter. The Board will function under the general guidance of the Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget.

III. Membership:

Members will be senior management officials and they or their designated representatives will be able to speak for respective bureaus/agencies during meetings where commitments to recommendations are required. Board members will have appropriate bureau/agency authority to provide management oversight for aviation commensurate with mission needs, funding capacity, and operational capability.

The Board will be comprised of one member from each bureau and the Office of Aircraft Services.

IV. Functions:

The Board will discharge its direction and findings through both the Office of Aircraft Services and internal bureau/agency line command. The responsibilities of the Board are to:

A. Annually review bureau program requirements for managing aviation within the Department. Specifically, assess risk and provide direction for implementation of policy and operational procedures to achieve and maintain an excellent level of safety in aviation activities.

B. Review costs for aviation management and operations. Provide guidance to assure retention of priority functions within the Department and bureaus.

C. Review interagency coordination requirements for Interior aviation activities and implement management and operational principles, concepts, and arrangements commensurate with individual bureau involvement in specific interagency functions.

D. Review proposed aviation policies, procedures, and business management practices. Arrange for bureau participation to achieve necessary changes. Expedite efforts through the Office of Aircraft Services and bureau aviation program representatives and technical specialists.

E. Assign committees and task forces as needed. Related chairpersons may be appointed and will operate at the Board's discretion. A standing working team comprised of the bureau aviation managers or their appointed representatives and the OAS Aviation Management Specialist will provide the routine staff work for the Board and will report to the Board Chair.

F. Annually assess the effectiveness of the Departmental aviation program to assure aviation and management oversight activities comply with and meet Departmental objectives and Board expectations.

V. Organization and Structure:

A. The initial Board Chair will be elected by the membership and will serve for a period of one year. The Chair will be responsible for conducting business meetings, establishing and overseeing the activities of working teams and task forces as necessary to conduct Board business. The Chair will have authority to appoint other Board members as Board liaisons to such teams to assure Board managerial representation is available to teams and task forces when necessary.

B. The Vice Chair will be elected by the membership and will serve with full Chair authority in the absence of the Board Chair. The Vice Chair will succeed to the Chair the second year. If the Vice Chair is unavailable for succession, a new Chair will be elected by the membership.

C. The Office of Aircraft Services will provide administrative and technical support to the Chair and will provide executive secretary service for meeting minutes, official files, and meeting arrangements.

D. The Board will establish annual priority goals which will serve as functional guidance for Departmental aviation activities.

VI. Meetings and Reports:

The Board will establish times and develop the reports necessary to conduct business and evaluate overall Board performance and achievement of Board decisions. However, the Board will meet no less than once each year on a schedule determined by the Board.

VII. Salary, Travel, and Incidental Costs:

Normal costs incurred by Board members and working groups/task forces will be borne by related agencies. Extraordinary expenses must be pre-approved and covered by a written agreement.

VIII. Effective Date: This charter becomes effective when signed by the Secretary of the Interior and may be revised by Board majority vote with approval of the Secretary.

IX. Approved: /s/Bruce Babbitt Date: March 13, 1996

Secretary, United States Department of the Interior

Updated by the Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget.

Date: March 27, 1998





Exercises Primary Responsibility

Exercises Secondary Responsibility




A. General Functions



1. Develop Departmental aviation policy statements for issuance in the Departmental Manual (DM) by the Assistant Secretary-Policy, Management and Budget.



2. Develop and issue Departmental policy statements in Operational Procedures Memoranda (OPMs) as temporary directives prior to release in DM.



3. Request changes in DOI policy statements.



4. Develop and implement Departmental aviation management procedures.



5. Execute Departmental and Bureau aviation policy and procedures.



6. Provide executive level bureau involvement in the formulation of policy and the management aspects of aviation activities in the Department.



7. Review bureau program requirements for managing aviation within the Department.



8. Review costs for aviation management and operations. Provide guidance to assure retention of priority functions within the Department and bureaus.



9. Review interagency coordination requirements for Interior aviation activities.



10. Review proposed aviation policies, procedures, and business management practices.



11. Assess the effectiveness of the Departmental aviation program to assure aviation and management oversight activities comply with and meet Departmental objectives and Board expectations.



B. Specific Functions



1. Determine Departmental needs for policy statements.



2. Develop and implement policy via Depart- mental directives system.



3. Develop and implement policies and management procedures for determining whether aircraft and aircraft related equipment and facilities should be Government-owned, Government-operated, or procured commercially.



4. Develop Department-wide ADP management information systems which involve the financial management and/or costs accounting for or utilization of aircraft resources.



5. Coordinate and approve all inter-bureau and inter-departmental utilization of aircraft owned, operated, procured on behalf of DOI bureaus.



6. Conduct DOI aircraft and equipment research and development efforts or review and approve bureau aircraft and equipment research and development efforts.



7. Resolve airspace management policy issues affecting DOI programs and activities.



8. Implement management and operational principles, concepts, and arrangements commensurate with individual bureau involvement in specific interagency functions.






A. General Functions



1. Develop and implement a Departmental aviation safety program.



2. Establish and maintain a positive bureau aviation safety program.



3. Assess risk and provide direction for implementation of policy and operational procedures to achieve and maintain an excellent level of safety in aviation activities.



B. Specific Functions



1. Develop and administer the Interior Aviation Mishap Information System (AMIS).



2. Conduct DOI aircraft accident/incident investigations.



3. Develop criteria for and conduct aircraft accident prevention surveys.



4. Develop specific criteria for bureau safety surveys of unique mission operations and conduct aircraft accident prevention surveys.



5. Develop and implement DOI Aircraft Accident Prevention Program.



6. Execute Departmental and Bureau Aircraft Accident Prevention Program.



7. Monitor bureau Aircraft Accident Prevention Program.



8. Conduct Aircraft Accident Prevention Seminars.



9. Develop and administer a Departmental Aviation Safety Award Program.



10. Disseminate Departmental aviation safety policy and information.



11. Develop and implement Departmental Aviation Management Training program.



12. Train and qualify Interagency Aviation Trainers (IAT) within the bureaus to meet required aviation safety training needs.



13. Ensure adequate number of IATs qualified to meet bureau aviation safety training needs.






A. General Functions



1. Establish policy and procedures to ensure operation and maintenance of aircraft to achieve maximum safety at minimum cost.



2. Operate and maintain aircraft to achieve maximum safety at minimum cost.



B. Specific Functions



1. Establish criteria for DOI aircraft ownership or in-house operation of leased aircraft.



2. Approve DOI aircraft ownership or in-house operation of leased aircraft.



3. Establish pilot and crew requirements.



4. Establish standards and procedures for operation and maintenance of DOI aircraft.



5. Flight check and qualify all DOI pilot crewmembers.



6. Inspect and approve all DOI owned/operated aircraft and their supporting maintenance facilities.



7. Establish decision criteria for the acquisition, replacement, and disposal of DOI owned aircraft.



8. Approve the acquisition, replacement and disposal of DOI owned aircraft.



9. Assign aircraft to bureaus for their exclusive use (Form OAS-93).



10. Operate aircraft.



11. Maintain DOI-owned/operated aircraft.



12. Perform the financial management of all DOI aircraft.



13. Contract for aircraft maintenance and service.



14. Administer aircraft maintenance and service contracts.



15. Report unsafe and inefficient aircraft operations, conditions and situations to OAS Director.






A. General Functions



1. Procure aircraft and aircraft services by contract.



2. Manage and control contract aircraft.



B. Specific Functions



1. Prepare and submit program requirements to OAS.



2. Review bureau requirements and determine the most appropriate terms and conditions of contracts.



3. Prepare solicitations.



4. Review solicitation.



5. Approve, issue and open solicitation.



6. Review offers and make pre-award evaluations.



7. Award contracts and handle protests.



8. Perform acceptance inspections of contractor's pilots and aircraft.



9. Manage contract aircraft.



10. Provide aircrew orientation for specific missions.



11. Control (dispatch) and assign contract aircraft within the scope of contracts.



12. Administer contract.



a. Report significant contract and operational problems to OAS.



b. Perform initial and periodic compliance inspections.



c. Perform aviation program evaluations.



13. Enforce mandatory DOI standards and procedures.



14. Mediate and/or adjudicate contractor- bureau disputes.



15. Coordinate contract litigation.



16. Make contract payments.



17. Perform post-evaluation of aircrew proficiency and airmanship techniques.






A. General Functions



1. Procure aircraft services within open market procurement limitations.



2. Approve operators and perform flight scheduling when requested.



3. Manage and control (dispatch) aircraft.



B. Specific Functions



1. Furnish anticipated special requirements to OAS.



2. Inspect and approve operators.



3. Issue qualification and data cards to pilots and aircraft meeting DOI standards for special-use activities.



4. Schedule flights and dispatch aircraft on bureau request.



5. Make payment to operators.



6. Report any significant operational problems to OAS.



7. Enforce mandatory DOI standards and procedures.



8. Coordinate agreement litigation.



9. Perform post-evaluations of operators and equipment.



10. Report to OAS all bureau flight activity not processed through the OAS payment system.








A. National Office, Director, Headquarters staff are responsible for the following:

1. Implement, execute, and enforce Departmental aviation policy.

2. Develop and execute bureau aviation policy.

3. Publish bureau aviation management plan.

4. Establish a bureau aviation safety program.

5. Monitor bureau aircraft accident prevention program.

6. Ensure adequate aviation management staff (Bureau Aviation Manager, Bureau Aviation Safety Manager)

7. Perform aviation safety evaluations.

8. Identify fleet aircraft acquisition, replacement, disposal to support bureau programs.

9. Ensure bureau/agency personnel involved in the use/control of aviation resources receive the appropriate level of aviation safety training.

10. Participate in Departmental Aviation Management Board of Directors Working Team.

11. Assign bureau/agency representative for Aircraft Mishap Review Board (AMRB).

12. Promote use of AMIS system.

13. Respond to AMRB recommendations.

14. Report to OAS all bureau flight activity not processed through the OAS payment system.

15. Identify and submit program requirements.

16. Expand DOI pilot standards and crew requirements.

17. Ensure compliance with OMB Circular A-126.

18. Ensure compliance with OMB Circular A-76.

B. Regional Office Directors, State Office Directors, Area Office Directors are responsible for the following:

1. Disseminate Departmental aviation safety policy and information.

2. Participate in Departmental aviation safety award program.

3. Ensure adequate aviation management staff.

4. Identify fleet aircraft acquisition, replacement, disposal to support bureau programs.

5. Ensure bureau/agency personnel have appropriate aviation training.

6. Operate and maintain aircraft for maximum safety and efficiency.

7. Assign a liaison for bureau aircraft and accident investigations.

8. Monitor bureau airspace needs.

9. Promote use of AMIS system.

10. Identify and submit program requirements.

11. Expand DOI pilot standards and crew requirements.

12. Ensure compliance with OMB Circular A-126.

13. Ensure compliance with OMB Circular A-76.

C. Park Superintendents, District Managers, and Refuge Managers are responsible for the following:

1. Enforce mandatory DOI standards.

2. Ensure adequate aviation management staff.

3. Perform project planning.

4. Perform risk assessment.

5. Ensure bureau/agency personnel have appropriate aviation safety training.

6. Operate and maintain aircraft for maximum safety and efficiency.

7. Report unsafe operations, conditions, and situations.

8. Ensure ALSE compliance.

9. Ensure flight following compliance.

10. Promote use of AMIS system.

11. Identify specific procurement requirements.

12. Identify and submit program requirements.

13. Request technical assistance for specialized aviation problems.

14. Manage and control vendor aircraft within scope of procurement.

15. Report significant contract and operational problems to OAS.

16. Procure aircraft services in accordance with procurement requirements.

17. Prepare/endorse procurement payment documents.

18. Provide information necessary for procurement litigation.

19. Perform post-use evaluation of operating pilots and equipment.

20. Ensure compliance with OMB Circular A-126.

D. First Line Supervisors of DOI Pilots, Aviation User, DOI Pilots are responsible for the following:

1. Enforce mandatory DOI standards.

2. Perform project planning.

3. Perform risk assessment.

4. Ensure bureau/agency personnel have appropriate aviation safety training.

5. Ensure pilots have recent flight experience.

6. Operate and maintain aircraft for maximum safety and efficiency.

7. Report unsafe operations, conditions, and situations.

8. Provide aircraft orientation.

9. Ensure ALSE compliance.

10. Ensure flight following compliance.

11. Provide oversight for vendor aircraft usage.

12. Promote use of AMIS system.

13. Identify specific procurement requirements.

14. Request technical assistance for specialized aviation problems.

15. Manage and control vendor aircraft within scope of procurement.

16. Administer maintenance and service contracts.

17. Report significant contract and operational problems to OAS.

18. Procure aircraft services in accordance with procurement requirements.

19. Prepare/endorse procurement payment documents.

20. Provide information necessary for procurement litigation.

21. Perform post-use evaluation of operator, pilots, and equipment.





1. A & P - Airframe & Powerplant (Mechanic)

2. ABOD - Aviation Board of Directors

3. ACCO - Air Carrier/Commercial Operator

4. ACETA - Animal Capture, Eradication, and Tagging of Animals

5. AD - Airworthiness Directive

6. AGL - Above Ground Level

7. AIM - Airman Information Manual

8. ALSE - Aviation Life Support Equipment

9. AMS - Aviation Management Seminar

10. AMIS - Aviation Mishap Information System

11. AMRB - Aircraft Mishap Review Board

12. AMTS - Aviation Management Training for Supervisors

13. APO - Aviation Program Overview

14. ARP - Aviation Review Program

15. A/S-PMB - Assistant Secretary-Policy, Management and Budget

16. ASM - Aviation Safety Manager

17. ATC - Air Traffic Controller

18. BOA - Basic Ordering Agreement

19. CFI - Certified Flight Instructor

20. CG - Center of Gravity

21. CFR - Code of Federal Regulations

22. CO - Contracting Officer

23. COR - Contracting Officer's Representative

24. COTR - Contracting Officer's Technical Representative

25. CWN - Call When Needed (contract)

26. DIAR - Department of the Interior Acquisition Regulation

27. DM - Departmental Manual

28. DOI - Department of the Interior

29. DOD - Department of Defense

30. DASHO - Designated Agency Safety and Health Official

31. ELT - Emergency Locator Transmitter

32. ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival

33. FAA - Federal Aviation Administration

34. FAR - Federal Aviation Regulations

35. FCC - Flight Coordination Center

36. FOIA - Freedom of Information Act

37. FPMR - Federal Property Management Regulations

38. FSDO - Flight Standards District Office

39. FSS - Flight Service Station

40. GBL - Government Bill of Lading

41. GTR - Government Transportation Request

42. IAT - Interagency Aviation Trainer

43. IB - Information Bulletin

44. IFB - Invitation for Bid

45. IFR - Instrument Flight Rules

46. IHOG - Interagency Helicopter Operations Guide

47. IIC - Aircraft Accident Investigator-In-Charge

48. IMC - Instrument Meteorological Conditions

49. ISC - Interior Service Center

50. MAP - Mishap Action Plan (replaces Aircraft Pre-Accident Plan)

51. MDA - Minimum Descent Altitude

52. MEA - Minimum Enroute Altitude

53. MOU - Memoranda of Understanding

54. NTSB - National Transportation Safety Board

55. NVG - Night Vision Goggles

56. OAS - Office of Aircraft Services

57. OG - Operation Guide

58. OPAC - On-line Payment and Collection

59. OPM - Operational Procedures Memoranda (Issued by OAS)

60. OMB - Office of Management and Budget

61. PI - Project Inspector

62. PIC - Pilot-in-Command

63. PRB - Pilot Review Board

64. PPE - Personal Protective Equipment

65. RVR - Runway Visual Range

66. SIC - Second-in-Command

67. STC - Supplemental Type Certificate

68. TBO - Time Between Overhaul

69. VFR - Visual Flight Rules

70. VMC - Visual Meteorological Conditions





1. Active Military Maintenance and Inspection Program. This is a program whereby the active or reserve components of the U.S. Armed Forces, including the U.S. Coast Guard, maintains a viable maintenance program for the make/model/series aircraft operated within those components. This system provides for a type malfunction/defect report gathering, analysis and distribution of essential safety-of-flight information. In addition, it supports the resource user with current maintenance publications/procedures and timely changes similar to a civil manufacturer's program. It also provides an up-to-date parts inventory and a repair and replacement system.

2. Affiliated Aircraft. Civil aircraft operated in accordance with 14 CFR 91, 121, or 135 for the mutual benefit of DOI and the affiliated party at no cost to DOI.

3. Agreement Aircraft. An OAS-approved aircraft that is available for intermittent, short-term use under an OAS Basic Ordering Agreement (BOA). Orders for use of agreement aircraft are subject to the small purchase limitation established under the Federal Acquisition Regulations unless otherwise authorized by the Contracting Officer.

4. Aircraft. The term "aircraft" is used to refer to both airplanes and helicopters.

5. Aircraft Accident. An occurrence associated with the operation of an aircraft which takes place between the time any person boards the aircraft with the intention of flight and all such persons have disembarked, and in which any person suffers death or serious injury, or in which the aircraft receives substantial damage.

6. Aircraft Acquisition. Obtaining an aircraft through either purchase or transfer (excess), or through lease, rental or loan, the operating cost of which can reasonably be expected to exceed $25,000 per year. (Any aircraft secured on a fully vendor-operated basis is specifically excluded from this definition.)

7. Air Crewmember Essential for the Mission. An objective determination is made by the first line supervisor that an additional crewmember is required to be on board the aircraft to ensure the successful outcome of the mission. (Example: loadmaster accompanying bulk fuel).

8. Airspace Conflict. A near mid-air collision, intrusion, or violation of airspace rules.

9. Airtanker. An aircraft used for the dispensing of a substance (normally fire retardant or water) on a wildfire.

10. Aviation Board of Directors. Representative bureau senior management officials providing executive level bureau involvement in the formulation of policy and the management aspects of aviation activities in the Department.

11. Bailed Aircraft. Aircraft on loan from the Department of Defense (DOD).

12. Basic Ordering Agreement. A Basic Ordering Agreement (BOA) is a written instrument of understanding, negotiated between an agency, contracting activity, or contracting office and a contractor, that contains (1) terms and clauses applying to future contracts (orders) between the parties during its term; (2) a description, as specific as practicable, of supplies or services to be provided; and (3) methods for pricing, issuing, and delivering future orders under the Basic Ordering Agreement. A Basic Ordering Agreement is not a contract.

13. Bureau. A level of government defined by bureaus, services, surveys, and offices within the Department.

14. Commercial Aviation. Aviation vendor being paid for aviation services.

15. Contract Aircraft. An aircraft that has been approved by OAS for use in accordance with the terms of a formal contract. Generally, there is no monetary limitation on the extent of use of the contract aircraft.

16. Cooperator Aircraft. An affiliated, military or other Government agency aircraft.

17. DOI 2181 Pilot. A pilot meeting OPM classification 2181 standards.

18. Dual-Function Pilot. Any person who acts as pilot-in-command of an aircraft while on official Government business and is not a full-time pilot (Office of Personnel Management classification 2181), but whose job description does include pilot duties.

19. Emergency.

(a) Life-Threatening - A situation or occurrence of a serious nature, developing suddenly and unexpectedly and demanding immediate action to prevent loss of life.

(b) Operational - An unforeseen combination of circumstances that calls for immediate action, but not life-threatening.

20. Excess/Surplus Military Aircraft. Aircraft whose ownership has been transferred to a Government agency by the U.S. Armed Forces.

21. Fatal Injury. Any injury which results in death within 30 days of the accident.

22. Federal Aviation Regulations. Rules and regulations contained in Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

23. First Aid. Any medical attention that involves no medical bill. If a physician prescribes medical treatment for less than serious injury and makes a charge for this service, that injury becomes "medical attention."

24. Flight Crewmember. A pilot, flight engineer, or flight navigator assigned to duty in an aircraft during flight time who holds a valid Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Airman's Certificate and flight physical.

25. Fleet Aircraft. Aircraft bailed by DOI, owned by DOI, or leased by DOI with intent to purchase.

26. Forced Landing. A landing necessitated by failure of engines, systems, components, or incapacitation of a crewmember, which makes continued flight impossible, and which may or may not result in damage.

27. Ground Mishap, Aircraft Ground Mishap. An aircraft mishap in which there is no intent to fly; however, the power plants and/or rotors are in operation and damage incurred requiring replacement or repair of rotors, propellers, wheels, tires, wing tips, flaps, etc., or an injury is incurred requiring first aid or medical attention.

28. Hazard, Aviation Hazard. Any condition, act or set of circumstances that exposes an individual to unnecessary risk or harm during aviation operations.

29. High Performance Airplane. An airplane that has more than 200 horsepower or that has a retractable landing gear, flaps, and controllable propeller.

30. High Reconnaissance. A route of flight which includes reconnaissance and is conducted above 500' above ground level (AGL). This reconnaissance does not include any aircraft maneuvers which are in excess of commercial pilot skills, maneuvering below 1.4 Vso, or climbs/turns/descents greater than standard rate. This does not include any type of precise maneuvering or specialized equipment.

31. Hover Landings. Hover landings are landings which do not meet the definition of toe-in, single-skid, or step-out landings. These landings are characterized by the necessity to maintain a substantial amount of hover power while the landing gear is in contact with the surface. This is normally due to the nature of the surfaces such as swampy ground, tundra/muskeg, snow, lava rock, etc. During these landings, the potential CG shifts are not as hazardous as in the previously mentioned landings (i.e., toe-in, one-skid); however, the pilot remains alert and on the controls as opposed to a flat surface/flat pitch landing stability.

32. Incident. An occurrence other than an accident, associated with the operation of an aircraft which affects or could affect the safety of operations.

33. Incident with Potential. An incident that narrowly misses being an accident and in which the circumstances indicate significant potential for substantial damage or serious injury. Final classification will be determined by the USDA-FS National Aviation Safety and Training Manager or the OAS Aviation Safety Manager, as appropriate.

34. Incidental Passenger Use of Military Aircraft. The condition that exists when a DOI employee is a passenger on board a military aircraft and is unable to affect the management of the flight in any manner. This includes the initiation, conduct, and termination of the flight.

35. Incidental Pilot. Any person who acts as pilot-in-command of an aircraft while on official Government business whose job description does not include pilot duties. (Example: Piloting of private or Government aircraft for official Government business in lieu of operation of private or Government-owned/leased automobile, reference FPMR 101.7).

36. Inspector.

(a) OAS Accepted Inspector. An individual employed by a government agency other than DOI who is listed on the USFS Approved Inspectors List.

(b) OAS Approved Inspector. Any inspector approved by OAS. This includes OAS employees, DOI employees, and other government agency employees listed on the OAS Approved Inspectors List.

(c) OAS Inspector. An OAS employee listed on the OAS Approved Inspectors List.

37. International DOI Operations. The condition that exists when a DOI employee is engaged in aviation operations outside the 50 United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. These operations are outside the scope of the DOI aviation policy.

38. Large Helicopter. A helicopter with a certified gross weight over 12,500 pounds.

39. Maintenance Deficiency. An equipment defect or failure which affects or could affect the safety of operations, or that causes an interruption to the services being performed.

40. Medical Attention. An injury, less than serious, for which a physician prescribes medical treatment and makes a charge for this service.

41. Medium Helicopter. A helicopter with a certified gross weight between 6,000 and 12,500 pounds

42. Military Aircraft. An aircraft maintained and operated by an active or reserve component (all Reserve forces, as well as Army National Guard and Air National Guard) of the DOD, or by any active or reserve component of the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG). All references to military aircraft include both DOD and USCG aircraft. The U.S. Government Manual describes the USCG as follows:

"The Coast Guard is a branch of the Armed Forces of the United States at all times and is a service within the Department of Transportation except when operating as part of the Navy in time of war or when the President directs."

43. Mishap, Aviation Mishap. Mishaps include aircraft accidents, incidents with potential, aircraft incidents, aviation hazards and aircraft maintenance deficiencies.

44. Mountain Flying - Airplanes. Conducting flight operations that require special techniques including takeoffs and landings at locations with 5,000 feet above sea level or greater pressure altitudes, at temperature ranges above 75oF, and/or limited and unimproved airstrips.

45. Mountain Flying - Helicopters. Conducting flight operations in mountainous terrain including pinnacle landings and approaches at varying elevations and pressure altitudes of over 5,000 feet above sea level at temperature ranges above 75oF, and in areas of rugged peaks, deep canyons, cliffs, rock outcropping, steep slopes; including landing on mountain tops and confined areas surrounded by trees, brush, rocks, snow or ice.

46. OAS-Designated Routes. Flight routes designated by OAS which are bureau-requested, over mountainous terrain and pilot-specific.

47. Offshore Operations. These are operations beyond a point where navigation by visual reference to landmarks can be made.

48. Operational Control, Aircraft Under the Operational Control of DOI. The condition existing when a DOI entity exercises authority over initiating, conducting or terminating a flight.

49. Operated by DOI, Aircraft Operated by DOI. The condition existing when the pilot-in-command is a DOI employee acting on official Government business for DOI.

50. Operating Agency. An executive agency or any entity thereof using agency aircraft which it does not own.

51. Operating Cost. Expenses which include, but not limited to: lease costs, crew costs, maintenance costs (materials and labor), fuel costs, facilities costs, administrative support costs, etc.

52. Operator. Any person who causes or authorizes the operation of an aircraft, such as the owner, lessee, or bailee of an aircraft. For DOI aircraft operations, the bureau office exercising operational control over the aircraft is considered to be the operator.

53. Other Government Agency Aircraft. Aircraft of U.S. registry which are owned, leased or operated by a Government agency at the Federal, state or local levels other than DOI. This does not include "military aircraft," but does include bailed/loaned or excess/surplus military aircraft under the control of a Government agency. Foreign government aircraft are not included.

54. Passenger. Any person aboard an aircraft who does not perform the function of a flight crewmember or air crewmember.

55. Point-to-Point Flight. Flights between airports (excluding operations defined in 351 DM 1 as Special Use) for which the route of flight is determined only by the pilot(s) based on navigational requirements.

56. Precautionary Landing. A landing necessitated by apparent impending failure of engines, systems, or components which makes continued flight unadvisable.

57. Precision Reconnaissance (including Fire Recon). This type of reconnaissance is conducted above 500' AGL. Transect type operations, utilization of specialized equipment, or missions not normally conducted in the commercial sector are examples of specific tasks which require special consideration and which make this a special-use activity.

58. Privately Owned Aircraft. Any aircraft piloted by a DOI employee on official business which has an FAA registration showing the DOI employee as an owner(s) or member of the club which owns the aircraft.

59. Public Aircraft. An aircraft used only for the United States Government; or owned and operated (except for commercial purposes) or exclusively leased for at least 90 continuous days by a government (except the United States Government), including a State, the District of Columbia, or a territory or possession of the United States, or political subdivision of that government; but does not include a government-owned aircraft transporting property for commercial purposes; or transporting passengers other than a) transporting (for other than commercial purposes) crewmembers or other persons aboard the aircraft whose presence is required to perform, or is associated with the performance of, a governmental function such as firefighting, search and rescue, law enforcement, aeronautical research, or biological or geological resource management; or, b) transporting (for other than commercial purposes) persons aboard the aircraft if the aircraft is operated by the Armed Forces or an intelligence agency of the United States. An aircraft described in the preceding sentence shall, notwithstanding any limitation relating to use of the aircraft for commercial purposes, be considered to be a public aircraft for the purposes of this part without regard to whether the aircraft is operated by a unit of government on behalf of another unit of government, pursuant to a cost reimbursement agreement between such units of government, if the unit of government on whose behalf the operation is conducted certifies to the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration that the operation was necessary to respond to a significant and imminent threat to life or property (including natural resources) and that no service by a private operator was reasonably available to meet the threat. 49 U.S.C. 40102 (a)(37).

60. Series, Helicopter. The subgrouping of makes and models such as Bell 206A, Bell 206B, Bell 206L. The letter designator of A, B and L denotes series.

61. Serious Injury. Any injury which: (1) requires hospitalization for more than 48 hours, commencing within seven days from the date the injury was received; (2) results in a fracture of any bone (except simple fractures of fingers, toes or nose); (3) causes severe hemorrhages, nerve, muscle or tendon damage; (4) involves any internal organ; or (5) involves second or third-degree burns, or any burns affecting more than 5% of the body surface.

62. Shore. That area of the land adjacent to the water which is above the high water mark and excludes land areas which are intermittently under water.

63. Single-Skid Landings. Single-skid landings are those landings that are used to drop off or pick up passengers or cargo while holding the helicopter with one full skid on the ground and the other suspended in the air. When in contact with the ground, the center of gravity can shift laterally. This type of landing is normally used in sloping terrain or when the helicopter cannot land and reduce the power to flat pitch.

64. Small Helicopter. A helicopter with a certified gross weight under 6,000 pounds.

65. Special Use Activities. Operations involving the utilization of airplanes and helicopters in support of DOI programs which are not point-to-point flight activities and which require special considerations due to their functional use. This may require deviation from normal operating practices where authorized by OAS. Special pilot qualifications and techniques, special aircraft equipment, and personal protective equipment are required to enhance the safe transportation of personnel and property.

66. Step-out Landings. Step-out landings are those landings that are used to drop off or pick up passengers and cargo (other than rappel/short haul) while holding the helicopter in a hover. The helicopter is not in contact with the ground and the center of gravity can shift laterally and longitudinally. This type of landing is normally used in lieu of toe-in/single-skid landings in terrain where the helicopter cannot land and reduce power to flat pitch.

67. Substantial Damage. Any damage or failure which adversely affects the structural strength, performance or flight characteristics of the aircraft, and which would normally require major repair or replacement of the affected component. Engine failure or damage limited to an engine if only one engine fails or is damaged, bent fairings or cowling, dented skin, small punctured holes in the skin or fabric, ground damage to rotor or propeller blades, and damage to landing gear, wheels, tires, flaps, engine accessories, brakes, or wing tips are not considered "substantial damage" for the purpose of this part.

68. Toe-In Landings. Toe-in landings are those landings that are used to drop off or pick up passengers or cargo by resting the helicopter on the toes of the skids. This requires holding a significant amount of hover power (within 15% of hover power) to keep the helicopter from falling backwards. When the helicopter is operated in this manner, there is the potential of significant lateral and longitudinal CG shift during loading/offloading operations. When the helicopter is balanced on the forward 1/3 or less of the skid tube, main rotor blade clearance is another significant concern (1/2 of flat surface/flat pitch blade clearance). These landings are normally used where landing areas are on slopes which exceed the capability of the helicopter. Identification criteria for toe-in landings are:

(1) Inability to reduce below hover power by 15%

(2) Forward 1/3 or less of skid tube in contact with surface

(3) 1/2 or less of flat pitch/flat surface blade clearance exists

69. Vendor. An operator being paid by DOI for services.

70. Volunteer Service. Volunteer services is limited to personal services received without compensation (salary or wages) by the Department from individuals or groups.

3/27/98 #3201

Replaces 12/26/96 #3113

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