
Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 1/23/98

Series: Organization

Part 142: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Chapter 9: Assistant Director - Administration

Originating Office: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

142 DM 9

9.1 Assistant Director - Administration provides staff support to the Director and directs, formulates, and administers broad, nationwide administrative operations in program areas that include financial management, accounting, contracting and procurement, grants management, engineering, general services, automated data processing systems, safety and health, economic analysis, and numerous associated administrative support functions. Ensures that legal, regulatory, and Departmental policy is adhered to in all functional areas of administration. The Deputy Chief Financial Officer is a function of the Deputy Assistant Director - Administration.

A. The Division of Engineering is responsible for coordination and staff direction of the Service's construction, environmental compliance, dam safety, bridge safety, energy, engineering, and maintenance activities. Develops policies, standards, criteria, and procedures that facilitate the accomplishment of Service program objectives by facility development, rehabilitation, maintenance, and energy conservation. Directs and coordinates the planning and evaluation of all activities identified with the Construction, Rehabilitation, and Maintenance System (CRMS), and energy conservation. Establishes and maintains a Servicewide facility database and provides information on the status and capability of Service facilities to meet resource needs and operational requirements.

B. The Division of Contracting and General Services is responsible for developing, implementing, administering, and reviewing Servicewide policy and procedures governing contracting, procurement, issuance of grants and agreements, and a wide range of general services. Develops contracts for construction, services, and supplies. Conducts activities related to contract negotiations and administration; procurement of materials, supplies, and equipment; development, utilization and accountability of personal property; management of quarters and space, including arrangement for all space for Washington Offices and space utilization studies Servicewide; Washington Office safety issues; and shipping and receiving. Develops policies and procedures for effective utilization of all types of motor vehicles, heavy equipment, boats, and aircraft. Coordinates central mail room services with the Department.

C. The Division of Information Resources Management is responsible for developing, implementing, administering, and reviewing Servicewide policies, systems, and procedures for a diverse group of activities involving information systems, automated data processing management, automated data processing security, telecommunications management, and related functions. Responsible for Washington Office telecommunications facilities and equipment operation. The Division's responsibility includes policy, planning, evaluation, standards, management, and approval of automated data processing software, services, and equipment acquisition and use.

D. The Division of Finance is responsible for interpreting external financial policy issuances of the Department, Office of Management and Budget, Department of the Treasury, General Accounting Office, and General Services Administration as they apply to the Service. Develops policies in such financial areas as accounting, fund control, travel, cash management, debt collection, cost recoverable activities, and imprest fund administration. Conducts special financial analyses as needed or required by external studies, audits, and questionnaires as related to financial management. Operates the administrative control of funds process (control schedule) and performs special analyses as needed by the Service's allottees. Responsible for providing operational finance assistance to the Washington Office. Provides internal review coordination and technical assistance in the area of financial management.

E. The Division of Economics is responsible for providing staff support to the Assistant Director in the areas of coordination and direction of the Service's economic analyses and related activities. The primary responsibility of the division includes the development of standards and analytical procedures to facilitate accomplishing Servicewide economic analysis objectives required under the Endangered Species Act, Clean Water Act, CERCLA, National Environmental Policy Act, Federal Power Act, Executive Order 12866, and the Regulatory Flexibility Act. The Division conducts selected economic and policy studies and provides technical assistance and review in support of analyses conducted by the Service's Regional and Washington offices. Economic studies conducted by the Division include (1) analysis of national and regional economic effects of designating critical habitat for endangered or threatened species, (2) valuing natural resource damages from oil or other hazardous material contamination, (3) analysis of socio-economic impacts of selected Service land acquisitions and other activities, and (4) special studies and reports required to meet programmatic needs of the Service.

F. The Office of Safety and Health is responsible for developing, implementing, administering, and reviewing Servicewide safety and health policies, programs, and procedures designed to prevent accidents, illnesses, or injuries to employees or the visiting public and damage to property. Provides Servicewide coordination of the Office of Worker's Compensation Program activities, safety engineering, and industrial hygiene services.

1/23/98 #3194

Replaces 6/15/94 #3007

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