
Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 1/23/98

Series: Organization

Part 142: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Chapter 6: Assistant Director - External Affairs

Originating Office: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

142 DM 6

6.1 Assistant Director - External Affairs develops policy, advises the Director and other members of the Directorate, and is the Service representative in all areas of external relations, including Native American affairs, public information policies and programs, coordination with the Congress, the Service legislative program, the Federal Aid program, and the Federal Duck Stamp program. The Assistant Director supervises the following offices:

A. The Office of Public Affairs is responsible for advice to the Service on public reaction to Service activities, is principal liaison with national conservation organizations, plans public affairs programs, and makes recommendations concerning public and media communications to the Assistant Director - External Affairs. The Office coordinates public affairs activities with the Department and other Federal and State agencies and supervises the production of a wide range of media-oriented material including press, radio, TV, publications, speeches, fact sheets, and newsletters; and directs efforts to obtain corporate and industry public service involvement in Service programs and activities.

B. The Office of Congressional and Legislative Affairs is responsible for the Service's legislative and congressional relations activities, and for making recommendations for initiatives to the Assistant Director - External Affairs. The Office prepares legislative programs and reviews and reports on legislation referred by the Department, coordinating the Service view with other bureaus and offices to achieve Service objectives; and serves as central contact for the Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs and individual Members and committees of the Congress. The Office provides information and material in response to congressional inquiries and other assistance as required by Members of Congress.

C. The Office of Federal Aid provides staff support to the Assistant Director - External Affairs on activities associated with the administration of Federal fish and wildlife State grant programs under the following authorities: Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Act, as amended; Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act, as amended; Anadromous Fish Conservation Act; Endangered Species Act; Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act; and Clean Vessel Act. Operational areas requiring staff support include: grants accounting and audits; treasury disbursements; electronic fund transfers; national workload analyses; development of national policies and procedures; hunter education; aquatic education; national funds allocation formula development; technical assistance to States; and conduct of the National Survey of Hunting and Fishing Associated Recreation and other surveys as required for the conduct of grant programs.

D. The Federal Duck Stamp Office develops policies and plans for administering the Federal Duck Stamp Program on a national and international basis, including financial control of stamps and receipts. Specific program areas for policy development include the National Duck Stamp Contest, the National Duck Stamp Licensing Program, Junior Duck Stamp Program, and other outreach thrusts sponsored by the Service to promote the sale of Duck Stamps.

1/23/98 #3192

Replaces 3/11/94 #3000

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