
Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 1/23/98

Series: Organization

Part 142: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Chapter 4: Assistant Director - Fisheries

Originating Office: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

142 DM 4

4.1 Assistant Director - Fisheries serves as staff advisor to the Director on fish and wildlife resource related issues and activities of national scope involving anadromous, coastal/estuarine, Great Lakes, and inland fish resources; fish and wildlife management on Indian, military, and other Federal and State lands; and marine mammals. Major responsibilities include recommending national policy, guidance, and plans; monitoring Service accomplishments and the activities of other entities in the fishery resource arena; participating in the budget formulation at the national level; providing technical assistance to others in the Fish and Wildlife Service, the Department of the Interior, or other entities; maintaining liaison with national and international organizations in the fish and wildlife community; responding to external inquiries on national policies and issues; and supervising Washington Office Fisheries staff.

A. The Division of National Fish Hatcheries coordinates, analyzes, advises, recommends, and reports to the Assistant Director - Fisheries on activities and issues involving operation of the National Fish Hatchery System (NFHS) and the Service's recreational fisheries program. Major activities include national planning; policy guidance development; budget formulation and execution at the national level; legislative support; development of national criteria and standards for effective and efficient operation of the NFHS and recreational fisheries; coordinating activities related to the national broodstock program and egg allocation system; coordinating the Service's fish health policy and fish health certification activities consistent with Title 50 CFR; recommending priorities and rankings for Fish Technology Center projects; maintaining fish production and distribution records for the NFHS; and coordinating the Service's involvement nationally with recreational fishery resources.

B. The Division of Fish and Wildlife Management Assistance coordinates, analyzes, advises, recommends, and reports to the Assistant Director on activities associated with fishery management, fish and wildlife resource management and technical assistance, marine mammals, and nonindigenous species. Major activities include national planning; policy guidance development; budget formulation and execution at the national level; legislative support; liaison with national organizations regarding management of fish and wildlife resources; facilitating Service representation/participation on fishery councils, commissions, or similar interjurisdictional or international forums; and coordinating Anadromous and Coastal Fish Conservation Act activities with the National Marine Fisheries Service. Other coordination activities are related to the Surplus Grain for Wildlife Act, the Sikes Act, Injurious Wildlife (Lacey Act requirements), Executive Order 11987 (introduction of exotic species), and the Marine Mammal Protection Act, and implementation of the Nonindigenous Aquatic Nuisance Prevention and Control Act of 1990.

1/23/98 #3191

Replaces 9/21/87 #2764

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