
Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 1/23/98

Series: Organization

Part 142: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Chapter 3: Assistant Director - Refuges and Wildlife

Originating Office: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

142 DM 3

3.1 Assistant Director - Refuges and Wildlife is responsible for staff support to the Director. Within this broad area, directs the operations of the National Wildlife Refuge System. Directs the acquisition and disposition of lands, the migratory bird management program, and public use activities at Service installations.

A. The Division of Refuges is responsible for the overall/staff direction for the management and operation of the National Wildlife Refuge System. The Division develops plans, policies, standards, and procedures that facilitate accomplishment of Service program objectives on lands of the System. Staff activities include the execution of a balanced natural resources program including management of wildlife, water, timber, grasslands, agricultural lands, marshlands, and public enforcement of National Wildlife Refuge System rules and regulations, youth activities, volunteers, historic and cultural resources, and preservation of lands included within the National Wilderness Preservation System.

B. The Division of Realty is responsible for central coordination and direction of all activities relating to the acquisition and disposition of lands and interests for the National Wildlife Refuge System and the National Fish Hatchery System. The Division develops policies and criteria, plans, and long-range acquisition schedules; administers the Migratory Bird Conservation Act and Land and Water Conservation Act land acquisitions funds accounts; performs cadastral surveys and mapping; processes land and mineral applications; and appraises lands proposed for acquisition by the States under the Federal Aid in Fish and Wildlife Restoration Acts.

C. The Office of Migratory Bird Management coordinates, analyzes, advises, recommends, and reports on activities associated with the development of annual Federal migratory bird hunting regulations and the collection, analysis, and evaluation of data on population status and trends and habitat needs of migratory birds. Such activities include national planning, policy guidance development, budget development, legislative and regulatory support, and liaison with State and Federal agencies and State, Federal, and international organizations. These activities support the conservation and perpetuation of migratory bird resources in North America.

D. The North American Waterfowl and Wetlands Office provides staff support for the development of organizational systems and mechanisms necessary to achieve the goals and objectives of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan in terms of habitat protection; restoration of waterfowl populations; definition of research needs; and improved monitoring of population response in cooperation with Mexico, Canada, U.S. State and Federal Government agencies and conservation and private organizations. Responsible for the coordination, identification, design, and implementation of joint venture projects in cooperation with various governmental entities and conservation organizations. Administers North American Wetlands Conservation Act investment and grant program and the coastal wetlands grant program, funding projects in Canada, Mexico, and the United States. Coordinates Federal planning and budgeting for the North American Waterfowl Management Plan and the North American Wetlands Conservation Fund. Tracks wetlands conservation accomplishments, directs wetlands data management, and prepares appropriate reports to Congress. These responsibilities are conducted under the authority of the Coastal Wetland Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act, the Emergency Wetlands Act, and the North American Wetlands Conservation Act.

1/23/98 #3190

Replaces 3/11/94 #3000

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