
Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 12/26/96

Series: Aviation Management

Part 353: Aviation Services Provided by OAS

Chapter 6: Aircraft Acquisition and Disposition

Originating Office: Office of Aircraft Services

353 DM 6

6.1 Purpose. This chapter establishes Department of the Interior (DOI) policies and procedures related to aircraft acquisition, continued in-house aircraft operation reviews, and aircraft disposition which includes reporting for excess or sale.

6.2 Aircraft Acquisition.

A. Definitions.

(1) Aircraft Acquisition. Aircraft Acquisition is defined as securing an aircraft through either purchase; transfer (excess); lease (for 90 days or more); or loan. Aircraft secured on a fully vendor-operated basis are excluded.

(2) Operating Cost. Operating Cost shall include, but not be limited to: lease costs, crew costs, maintenance costs (materials and labor), fuel costs, facilities costs, administrative support costs, etc.

B. Acquisition Policy. An aircraft may be acquired only when the requirements of Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-76, revised, have been satisfied and have been approved by the appropriate bureau and Departmental level officials. Acquisitions must also be approved by Congress through normal budget procedures. Budget justification for additional aircraft is the responsibility of the individual bureau. Budget justifications for replacement of an aircraft currently within the DOI-OAS fleet aircraft system is the responsibility of OAS.

(1) A-76 Preparation. OAS shall be notified when a bureau intends to acquire an aircraft. OAS shall advise in the preparation of an A-76 analysis.

(2) A-76 Reevaluation. If more than one year has elapsed since the initial A-76 analysis, a reevaluation shall be conducted prior to OAS procurement action. If the reevaluation shows ownership is no longer in the best interest of the Government, OAS will provide support to the bureau by procuring comparable aircraft services.

(3) If ownership is authorized, acquisition action is the responsibility of OAS. DOI owned aircraft shall be registered by OAS Headquarters.

C. Aircraft Acquisitions Pursuant to the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, as Amended (Public Law 93-638). The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) may acquire excess aircraft for donation to an Indian tribe or tribal organization under Public Law 93-638 without regard to the requirements of paragraph 6.2B above, provided:

(1) The acquisition is authorized under the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, as Amended, and approved by the appropriate BIA official.

(2) The Indian tribe or tribal organization agrees to conditional title, as set forth in FPMR 101-44.108.2, incorporating conditions of use established by the BIA and Office of Aircraft Services (OAS). Conditions established by OAS would typically establish requirements for compliance with applicable Federal Aviation Regulations and DOI aviation standards when providing service to the Department or its cooperators.

(3) The Transfer Order Excess Property (SF-122), includes a provision stipulating the aircraft is intended for direct donation to a specified Indian tribe or tribal organization pursuant to the authority under Public Law 93-638. The acquisition through excess property channels and donation would occur essentially simultaneously.

(4) The SF-122 is signed by an authorized BIA official and approved by the OAS Director prior to submission to General Services Administration.

D. Exemptions. If a bureau determines that an aircraft acquisition, as defined herein, falls under one or more of the exempt categories in Circular A-76, a justification shall be submitted to the OAS Director for approval. Approval shall precede the request for acquisition.

6.3 Continued In-house Aircraft Operation Reviews. All aircraft acquired by DOI bureaus must comply with the review guidelines as outlined in OMB Circulars A-76 and A-126.

6.4 Disposition of Aircraft by Sale. An aircraft which has operated within the DOI-OAS fleet aircraft accounting system and has been replaced through the appropriate processes may be listed for sale with General Services Administration (GSA). The proceeds of such an aircraft sale will be used to offset the costs of the replacement aircraft. This sale option is subject to OAS obtaining the required authorities from GSA.

12/26/96 #3124

Replaces 5/7/91 #2912

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