
Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 12/26/96

Series: Aviation Management

Part 350: General Program Requirements

Chapter 2: Directive System of Office of Aircraft Services

Originating Office: Office of Aircraft Services

350 DM 2

2.1 Purpose. This chapter authorizes and prescribes the criteria for issuance of procedural directives by the Office of the Secretary. The Department of the Interior (DOI) directives provide guidance in the subject area of aircraft management and operation. General policy statements and responsibilities regarding the Departmental aircraft management program are published in Departmental Manual (DM) Parts 350-354.

2.2 Issuing Authority. All 350-354 DM releases are signed by the Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget. All material published in the Handbooks, Operational Procedure Memoranda (OPMs), Information Bulletins (IBs), Operation Guides (OGs), and OAS Instructions is issued under the authority of the OAS Director.

2.3 Handbooks. Handbooks provide detailed procedures and requirements of policy established in the applicable chapter of the DM.

2.4 Operational Procedure Memoranda (OPMs). Temporary or interim directives are issued Department-wide as OPMs to permit the timely dissemination of instructional and procedural material. They are published under the issuing authority of the OAS Director, or a Regional/Area Director for matters within their delegated responsibility.

2.5 Information Bulletins (IBs). Announcements and information of general interest are published as IBs. IBs are non-directive, bear no expiration date, and may be discarded at the discretion of the recipient. Any superseded IB will be noted in the new release. Annually, the Office of Aircraft Services will issue a listing of all current IBs.

2.6 Operation Guides (OGs). Guides communicate preferred procedures for a specific aspect of aviation operations, but are not mandatory in nature at the Department level but may be adopted by the Bureau.

2.7 Distribution.

A. All DM releases are distributed by the Office of the Secretary, Washington, DC. They are also available electronically through the Office of Aircraft Services.

B. Handbooks, OPMs, IBs and OGs are distributed by OAS in accordance with bureau distribution lists. Master distribution lists are maintained by the Headquarters Office. To the extent possible, electronic distribution is encouraged.

2.8 Contents of DM Chapters. Material published in Parts 350-354 of the Departmental Manual is listed and described in Appendix 1 to this chapter. The Appendix, which serves as a table of contents for Parts 350-354, will be revised as necessary.



DEPARTMENTAL MANUAL - Parts for Office of Aircraft Services (OAS)

(Parts 350-354 -- "Aviation Management")

Part 350 -- General Program Requirements

Chapter 1 - General Administration

Chapter 2 - Directive System of OAS

Chapter 3 - Reserved

Chapter 4 - Reserved

Chapter 5 - Reserved

Part 351 -- Aviation Operations

Chapter 1 - Flight Operations Standards and Procedures

Chapter 2 - Aircraft Equipment and Maintenance

Chapter 3 - Flight Crew Member Policy

Chapter 4 - Cooperator Aircraft

Chapter 5 - Reserved

Chapter 6 - Reserved

Chapter 7 - Reserved

Part 352 -- Aviation Safety

Chapter 1 - Aviation Safety Program

Chapter 2 - Reserved

Chapter 3 - Reserved

Chapter 4 - Reserved

Chapter 5 - Reserved

Chapter 6 - Aircraft Mishap Notification, Investigation and Reporting

Chapter 7 - Aviation Safety Awards Program

Part 353 -- Aviation Services Provided by OAS

Chapter 1 - Aircraft Contracting

Chapter 2 - Aircraft Rental System

Chapter 3 - Reserved

Chapter 4 - Reserved

Chapter 5 - Reserved

Chapter 6 - Aircraft Acquisition and Disposition

Part 354 -- Reserved

12/26/96 #3114

Replaces 5/7/91 #2912

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