Department of the Interior

Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 7/26/89

Series: Information Resources Management

Part 381: Origination of Records and Information

Chapter 9: Internal and Interagency Reports

Originating Office: Office of Information Resources Management

381 DM 9

9.1 Purpose. This chapter implements the management requirements for an inventory of interagency and internal reporting requirements set forth in 381 DM 7, and establishes approval procedures for clearance of reports required from bureaus and offices by other bureaus and the Office of the Secretary.

9.2 Policy. Any internal recurring report required by a bureau or office from one or more other bureaus or offices within the Department is subject to prior concurrence of the pertinent program director and approval of the Director, Office of Management Improvement (PMI).

9.3 Exemption. Any one time internal reporting requirement which does not exceed a collective total annual cost of $1,000 on the respondent is exempt from the clearance requirements.

9.4 Approval Procedure.

A. Any request to establish a new recurring internal reporting requirement should be prepared in memorandum format by the organization requesting the report. The request should include the following information: a description of the report and a sample format or form which will be used by respondents; frequency of submission of the report; a listing of respondents; justification for requiring the report; the uses that will be made of the information collected; the total estimated cost that will be imposed on all respondents in furnishing the report; and the name, organization, and telephone number of the individual who can furnish additional information regarding the proposed reporting requirement.

B. Requests should be sent to the Director, PMI, through (1) the pertinent supervising program director, and (2) the Division of Directives and Regulatory Management, PMI, for review, further coordination, and appropriate action.

9.5 Recurring Administrative Reports Listing. A listing of approved recurring administrative reports required from the bureaus and offices by other bureaus and the Office of the Secretary. The composition of the listing and its exclusions are as follows:

A. Reports are listed by office of primary responsibility (OPR) and are grouped together by frequency (FR) of submission.

B. Interagency report control symbols have been assigned to those reports with General Services Administration (GSA) clearance. All others have been issued an internal report control symbol. This includes interagency reports pending GSA clearance, exempt reports, and internal reports.

C. To indicate the sources of requests for the reports, or the source of the requirement to maintain certain information, ultimate users are shown within the report control symbol, whether they may be bureaus or the Secretarial offices to which the reports are submitted, or whether they are agencies outside the Department; i.e., 1045-OPM-QU, OMB-82-110, DOI-83-079.

D. References to the Departmental Manual, Office of Management and Budget Circulars, and other sources of information are given for full details on reports preparation, when needed.

E. Bureaus or offices responsible for preparation of the reports, dates due, number of copies, etc., are also given.

F. Excluded from the listing are --

(1) one-time reports, and

(2) program operating reports.

9.6 Responsibility. Responsibility for maintaining the reports listing described in 381 DM 9.5 on a current basis is assigned to the Division of Directives and Regulatory Management, PMI. Each bureau and each office of the Office of the Secretary will keep PMI informed of changes to be made in the information contained in the listing, which will be revised periodically.

A. Continuing review of the reports prepared by the bureaus and offices will be made by the bureaus or offices requiring them. This is to make certain that only those reports necessary to provide bureaus and Secretarial offices with adequate information for the review and control of Departmental administrative operations, and to meet external requirements, are requested.

B. Suggestions for improving the reporting system, including the modification or elimination of ineffective reports, together with evidence of omission or other discrepancies in the reports listing should be reported to the Division of Directives and Regulatory Management, PMI.

C. At least once a year a copy of each recurring administrative report will be submitted to the appropriate OPR=s for review and update. Report control symbol GSA-66-013 has been assigned to this reporting requirement. Changes will be published annually.

7/26/89 #2865

Replaces 4/30/88 #2793

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