Department of the Interior

Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 4/20/87

Series: Delegation

Part 205: General Delegations

Chapter 11: Procurement and Contracting

Originating Office: Office of Acquisition and Property Management

205 DM 11

11.1 Procurement Authority.

A. The authority vested in the Secretary to award and modify contracts (and purchase orders) for property and non-personal services (including construction) is delegated to the Assistant Secretaries.

B. The Inspector General is authorized to enter into contracts under the conditions set forth in Sec. 6(a)(7) and Sec. 6(a)(8) of the Inspector General Act of 1978, P.L. 95-452.

C. Contracts and purchase orders may be entered into only in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), 48 CFR 1, and the Department of the Interior Regulation (DIAR), 48 CFR 1400 (401 DM 1).

D. This chapter does not limit the authority delegated to the Assistant Secretary-Policy, Budget and Administration in 209 DM 4. The Assistant Secretary - Policy, Budget and Administration is authorized to amend, limit, suspend or revoke authority granted by or pursuant to this chapter.

11.2 Redelegation to Bureaus and Offices.

A. The authority delegated to the Assistant Secretaries in this chapter may be redelegated to heads of bureaus and offices. Such redelegations are published in the 200 series of the Departmental Manual.

B. Bureau heads and assistant or associate heads thereof (known as heads of contracting activities and further defined under Department of the Interior Acquisition Regulation (DIAR) 1402.1) may redelegate their procurement authority only to bureau personnel who meet the requirements of the Department=s Contracting Officers= Warrant System under DIAR 1401.6.

11.3 Redelegation within the Office of the Secretary.

A. The Assistant Secretary-Policy, Budget and Administration may redelegate procurement authority within the Office of the Secretary.

B. Within the Office of the Secretary, only the Director, Office of Administrative Services (210 DM 11.1), and the Director, Office of Aircraft Services (210 DM 19.2), are delegated procurement authority. This authority may be redelegated in accordance with 205 DM 11.2B. The Office of Administrative Services, pursuant to 110 DM 11.2, is authorized to award, administer, and amend all contracts and purchase orders for the Office of the Secretary, other Departmental offices, and special commissions, except for those transactions entered into by the Office of Aircraft Services or by the Inspector General pursuant to Sec. 6(a)(7) and Sec. 6(a)(8) of the Inspector General Act of 1978.

11.4 Limitations.

In additions to the delegations made as referred to in this chapter, other limitations exist regarding specific types or categories of contract awards. Examples of these include review of personal service contracts by the Office of the Solicitor (Department of the Interior Acquisition Regulation 1401.7101-1); approval of procurement transactions by Assistant Secretaries (Parts 211 thru 255 DM); approval of consulting service contracts (365 DM); approval of ADP equipment, software, or service contracts (306 DM); approval of aircraft and aircraft related service contracts (353 DM); and approval of motion picture, slide shows, and videotape recording procurements (471 DM 1).

4/20/87 #2734

Replaces 1/8/80 #2224

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