Department of the Interior

Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 10/2/70

Series: Research and Development

Part 763: Planning and Executing Foreign Research Agreements

Chapter 1: FCST Policy Guidance for Research Investment Abroad by U.S. Agencies

Originating Office: Office of the Assistant Secretary - Water and Science

763 DM 1

1.1 Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to serve as a cross reference to the basic statement of APolicy Guidance for Research Investment Abroad by U.S. Agencies@ issued September 1964 by the International Committee, Federal Council for Science and Technology which was forwarded to bureaus and offices from the Office of the Science Adviser by memorandum dated February 25, 1969.

1.2 Bureau Cross References. This material should be further cross referenced in other bureau documents to insure compliance with established procedures as outlined in the aforementioned policy statement.

1.3 Departmental Consultations Required. The Office of the Science Adviser and the Office of International Activities will be consulted in planning overseas research programs, and will be informed of any execution of research agreements under such programs. This is to insure that the projected research program is in agreement with established United States foreign policy and does not conflict with an established or planned domestic research program.

10/2/70 #1229


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