Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual



Effective Date:  1/2/08

Series:  Organization

Part 120:  U.S. Geological Survey

Chapter 3:  Administrative Policy and Services


Originating Office:  U.S. Geological Survey


120 DM 3


3.1     General Functions.  The Associate Director for Administrative Policy and Services provides executive leadership for the development and implementation of policies and strategic and operational plans related to the business information and administrative systems and financial, facilities, safety, security, and procurement enterprise and infrastructure of the U. S. Geological Survey (USGS). 


3.2     The Associate Director for Administrative Policy and Services exercises the authority delegated by the Director to support the financial, facilities, safety, security and procurement enterprise and infrastructure of the bureau.  The Associate Director is responsible for planning, policy development, and program coordination and review for the following bureauwide functions.


          A.      Office of Accounting and Financial Management.  The Office of Accounting and Financial Management provides bureauwide financial management and administrative support for payments, collections, and travel, technical support, training and management control for the users of the Federal Financial System, bureau oversight and monitoring of fiscal programs, financial operating procedures, and allocation management in coordination with the Regional Fiscal Services staffs.  In addition, the office provides advice, formulation, and direction of bureauwide accounting and financial management designed to meet the needs of management in achieving overall program objectives and to ensure full compliance with applicable laws and regulations.


          B.      Office of Acquisition and Grants.  The Office of Acquisition and Grants is responsible for management of bureau acquisition functions.  The Office has primary policy responsibility for administering legal actions prerequisite to effective procurement and Federal assistance, coordinated and integrated bureauwide procurement, contracting, and assistance (grants and cooperative agreements) program.  Bureauwide contractual support for major ADP/Telecommunications projects is handled by the office.  These responsibilities encompass a broad range of procurement policy and operational functions that ensure formulation and implementation of contract, cooperative agreement, grant and purchasing practices and procedures in compliance with laws and regulations.


          C.      Office of Business Information Systems. The Office of Business Information Systems (OBIS) supports the Department of Interior and USGS corporate Information Technology, Information Management and Information Resource Management (IRM) activities and requirements for administrative policy and services.  Support is provided in the areas of centralized and distributed computing, FISMA related application security testing and evaluation, value added applications, as well as leadership, technical direction, coordination and policy support.


          D.      Office of Internal Control and Reporting.  The Office of Internal Control and Reporting (OICR) is responsible for evaluating the adequacy of the internal control environment within the bureau, including the effectiveness of existing policies and procedures and operational activities, in addition to performing internal and external financial reporting for the bureau.  OICR develops procedures to ensure the bureau's compliance with Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-123, and provides assistance in evaluating internal practices and policy changes on topics relevant to all bureau operations.  OICR is also responsible for maintaining the integrity of the general ledger of the bureau, developing reports using cost accounting models, reporting to Treasury and OMB, and in producing the annual USGS Performance and Accountability Report.


          E.      Office of Management Services.  The Office of Management Services is responsible for administering bureauwide programs and providing staff advice, direction, and guidance in the areas of space and facilities management, security, property management, safety and industrial health, environmental and emergency management, supply management, and other administrative services programs.


          F.      Office of Policy and Analysis.  The Office of Policy and Analysis is responsible for management of the bureau’s directives system including the Survey Manual, Handbooks, and Instructional Memoranda.  The Office manages the bureau’s Technology Transfer Program, including the preparation, review, and approval and Technology Assistance Agreements; evaluation of USGS inventions for patentability and commerciality and preparation of patent applications and non-disclosure agreements; and execution of non-exclusive, exclusive, and partially exclusive licenses to companies interested in marketing, manufacturing, or using USGS developed technology.  The Office also reviews non-standard cooperative and reimbursable agreements for compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements.


1/2/08 #3775

Replaces 7/25/97 #3166