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Table 9.8
Year 2004 discharges from METHADONE OUTPATIENT treatment1
by number of prior treatment episodes, according to reason for discharge: TEDS 2004
Number, percent distribution, and median and average lengths of stay
[Based on linked admission and discharge data reported by 23 States and jurisdictions that offered methadone outpatient substance abuse treatment and reported these data to TEDS.]
No. of prior treatment episodes Total Reason for discharge, transfer, or discontinuance of treatment
Completed Transferred Completed or
Terminated Other
Total discharges 31,828 3,859 5,555 9,414 14,084 4,096 4,234
None  5,860   762 1,150 1,912  2,311   976   661
1 prior treatment episode  6,156   611 1,232 1,843  2,709   875   729
2 prior treatment episodes  4,711   458   871 1,329  2,034   685   663
3 prior treatment episodes  3,150   250   601   851  1,551   351   397
4 prior treatment episodes  2,034   166   361   527  1,019   217   271
5 or more prior treatment episodes  6,114   382   897 1,279  3,204   599 1,032
No. of discharges  28,025 2,629 5,112 7,741 12,828 3,703 3,753
Column percent
None  20.9  29.0  22.5  24.7  18.0  26.4  17.6
1 prior treatment episode  22.0  23.2  24.1  23.8  21.1  23.6  19.4
2 prior treatment episodes  16.8  17.4  17.0  17.2  15.9  18.5  17.7
3 prior treatment episodes  11.2   9.5  11.8  11.0  12.1   9.5  10.6
4 prior treatment episodes   7.3   6.3   7.1   6.8   7.9   5.9   7.2
5 or more prior treatment episodes  21.8  14.5  17.5  16.5  25.0  16.2  27.5
Total  100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Row percent
None 100.0  13.0  19.6  32.6  39.4  16.7  11.3
1 prior treatment episode 100.0   9.9  20.0  29.9  44.0  14.2  11.8
2 prior treatment episodes 100.0   9.7  18.5  28.2  43.2  14.5  14.1
3 prior treatment episodes 100.0   7.9  19.1  27.0  49.2  11.1  12.6
4 prior treatment episodes 100.0   8.2  17.7  25.9  50.1  10.7  13.3
5 or more prior treatment episodes 100.0   6.2  14.7  20.9  52.4   9.8  16.9
Total  100.0   9.4  18.2  27.6  45.8  13.2  13.4
Median length of stay (days)
None  90 102  92  74  83 146
1 prior treatment episode 106 132  89  83 153 172
2 prior treatment episodes 113 141 102  88 140 160
3 prior treatment episodes 111 139  99  91 147 152
4 prior treatment episodes 115 140 135  90 157 195
5 or more prior treatment episodes 113 152 119  94 120 155
Total  106 126  99    87 125 157
Average length of stay (days)
None 209 213 231 180 215 260
1 prior treatment episode 219 241 217 183 244 303
2 prior treatment episodes 221 259 224 188 244 268
3 prior treatment episodes 217 267 215 187 248 277
4 prior treatment episodes 226 252 253 186 251 301
5 or more prior treatment episodes 223 285 262 193 202 272
Total  218 246 231   187 230 278
1 Clients includes methadone outpatient (n = 30,343; 95 percent) and methadone intensive outpatient (n = 1,485; 5 percent).
SOURCE: Office of Applied Studies, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS). Data received through 2.1.2006.

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