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Table 9.7
Year 2004 discharges from METHADONE OUTPATIENT treatment1
by age at first use, according to reason for discharge: TEDS 2004
Number, percent distribution, and median and average lengths of stay
[Based on linked admission and discharge data reported by 23 States and jurisdictions that offered methadone outpatient substance abuse treatment and reported these data to TEDS.]
Age at first use Total Reason for discharge, transfer, or discontinuance of treatment
Completed Transferred Completed or
Terminated Other
Total discharges 31,828 3,859 5,555 9,414 14,084 4,096 4,234
12 years or under    822   146   149   295    267   172    88
13 to 14 years  1,478   225   297   522    496   258   202
15 to 16 years  3,007   435   525   960  1,104   545   398
17 to 18 years  3,663   549   658 1,207  1,396   584   476
19 to 20 years  2,607   333   463   796    986   471   354
21 to 25 years  4,380   577   806 1,383  1,588   852   557
Over 25 years  6,070   861   961 1,822  2,310 1,194   744
No. of discharges  22,027 3,126 3,859 6,985  8,147 4,076 2,819
Column percent
12 years or under   3.7   4.7   3.9   4.2   3.3   4.2   3.1
13 to 14 years   6.7   7.2   7.7   7.5   6.1   6.3   7.2
15 to 16 years  13.7  13.9  13.6  13.7  13.6  13.4  14.1
17 to 18 years  16.6  17.6  17.1  17.3  17.1  14.3  16.9
19 to 20 years  11.8  10.7  12.0  11.4  12.1  11.6  12.6
21 to 25 years  19.9  18.5  20.9  19.8  19.5  20.9  19.8
Over 25 years  27.6  27.5  24.9  26.1  28.4  29.3  26.4
Total  100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Row percent
12 years or under 100.0  17.8  18.1  35.9  32.5  20.9  10.7
13 to 14 years 100.0  15.2  20.1  35.3  33.6  17.5  13.7
15 to 16 years 100.0  14.5  17.5  31.9  36.7  18.1  13.2
17 to 18 years 100.0  15.0  18.0  33.0  38.1  15.9  13.0
19 to 20 years 100.0  12.8  17.8  30.5  37.8  18.1  13.6
21 to 25 years 100.0  13.2  18.4  31.6  36.3  19.5  12.7
Over 25 years 100.0  14.2  15.8  30.0  38.1  19.7  12.3
Total  100.0  14.2  17.5  31.7  37.0  18.5  12.8
Median length of stay (days)
12 years or under  63 112  36  50  53 124
13 to 14 years  90 126  42  65  74 149
15 to 16 years  95 123  77  71 112 140
17 to 18 years 105 147 108  78 125 132
19 to 20 years 119 161  96  84 167 160
21 to 25 years 121 178 113  84 143 148
Over 25 years 122 188 123  87 166 137
Total  111 156  99    80 140 143
Average length of stay (days)
12 years or under 167 180 182 137 157 230
13 to 14 years 190 242 170 162 180 242
15 to 16 years 201 234 207 156 215 262
17 to 18 years 211 256 224 161 242 254
19 to 20 years 226 265 237 174 259 277
21 to 25 years 223 288 235 173 245 245
Over 25 years 230 290 238 183 260 250
Total  216 265 223   170 239 254
1 Clients includes methadone outpatient (n = 30,343; 95 percent) and methadone intensive outpatient (n = 1,485; 5 percent).
SOURCE: Office of Applied Studies, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS). Data received through 2.1.2006.

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