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Table 9.11
Year 2004 discharges from METHADONE OUTPATIENT treatment1
by education (aged 18 and over), according to reason for discharge: TEDS 2004
Number, percent distribution, and median and average lengths of stay
[Based on linked admission and discharge data reported by 23 States and jurisdictions that offered methadone outpatient substance abuse treatment and reported these data to TEDS.]
Years of education Total Reason for discharge, transfer, or discontinuance of treatment
Completed Transferred Completed or
Terminated Other
Total discharges
aged 18 and over
31,633 3,793 5,531 9,324 14,028 4,076 4,205
0 to 8 years  2,015   229   369   598    885   238   294
9 to 11 year  9,543 1,000 1,833 2,833  4,248 1,241 1,221
12 years (or GED) 13,869 1,748 2,140 3,888  6,317 1,757 1,907
More than 12 years  6,025   792 1,168 1,960  2,488   827   750
No. of discharges  31,452 3,769 5,510 9,279 13,938 4,063 4,172
Column percent
0 to 8 years   6.4   6.1   6.7   6.4   6.3   5.9   7.0
9 to 11 year  30.3  26.5  33.3  30.5  30.5  30.5  29.3
12 years (or GED)  44.1  46.4  38.8  41.9  45.3  43.2  45.7
More than 12 years  19.2  21.0  21.2  21.1  17.9  20.4  18.0
Total  100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Row percent
0 to 8 years 100.0  11.4  18.3  29.7  43.9  11.8  14.6
9 to 11 year 100.0  10.5  19.2  29.7  44.5  13.0  12.8
12 years (or GED) 100.0  12.6  15.4  28.0  45.5  12.7  13.8
More than 12 years 100.0  13.1  19.4  32.5  41.3  13.7  12.4
Total  100.0  12.0  17.5  29.5  44.3  12.9  13.3
Median length of stay (days)
0 to 8 years 131 195 143  95 134 188
9 to 11 year 112 135  99  91 145 155
12 years (or GED) 116 162 114  89 145 153
More than 12 years 113 169 100  89 116 172
Total  115 159 107    90 139 159
Average length of stay (days)
0 to 8 years 250 300 275 211 236 307
9 to 11 year 219 251 228 184 249 275
12 years (or GED) 223 269 239 187 242 268
More than 12 years 226 295 235 183 216 291
Total  224 272 237   187 238 277
1 Clients includes methadone outpatient (n = 30,343; 95 percent) and methadone intensive outpatient (n = 1,485; 5 percent).
SOURCE: Office of Applied Studies, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS). Data received through 2.1.2006.

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