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Table 7.6
Year 2004 discharges from HOSPITAL RESIDENTIAL treatment1
by frequency of use, according to reason for discharge: TEDS 2004
Number, percent distribution, and median and average lengths of stay
[Based on linked admission and discharge data reported by 14 States and jurisdictions that offered hospital residential substance abuse treatment and reported these data to TEDS.]
Frequency of use Total Reason for discharge, transfer, or discontinuance of treatment
Completed Transferred Completed or
Terminated Other
Total discharges 8,080 5,597 1,200 6,797 884 214 185
No use in the past month   580   373    75   448  73  11  48
1-3 times in the past month   377   256    66   322  33  13   9
1-2 times per week   462   297    77   374  66  12  10
3-6 times per week 1,117   759   180   939 127  32  19
Daily 3,848 2,511   705 3,216 449 108  75
No. of discharges  6,384 4,196 1,103 5,299 748 176 161
Column percent
No use in the past month   9.1   8.9   6.8   8.5   9.8   6.3  29.8
1-3 times in the past month   5.9   6.1   6.0   6.1   4.4   7.4   5.6
1-2 times per week   7.2   7.1   7.0   7.1   8.8   6.8   6.2
3-6 times per week  17.5  18.1  16.3  17.7  17.0  18.2  11.8
Daily  60.3  59.8  63.9  60.7  60.0  61.4  46.6
Total  100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Row percent
No use in the past month 100.0  64.3  12.9  77.2  12.6   1.9   8.3
1-3 times in the past month 100.0  67.9  17.5  85.4   8.8   3.4   2.4
1-2 times per week 100.0  64.3  16.7  81.0  14.3   2.6   2.2
3-6 times per week 100.0  67.9  16.1  84.1  11.4   2.9   1.7
Daily 100.0  65.3  18.3  83.6  11.7   2.8   1.9
Total  100.0  65.7  17.3  83.0  11.7   2.8   2.5
Median length of stay (days)
No use in the past month  16  16  10  23  20  23
1-3 times in the past month  11  14   9   7  22  66
1-2 times per week   9  11   9   6  12   6
3-6 times per week  10  12   9   8  10   6
Daily  10  10   9   6  10   9
Total   10  11   9     7  10  12
Average length of stay (days)
No use in the past month  52  53  38  59  36  60
1-3 times in the past month  60  70  35  29  35 117
1-2 times per week  40  47  16  42  11  44
3-6 times per week  22  23  11  36  13  26
Daily  25  25  13  44  30  21
Total   30  31  16    44  26  40
1 Excludes records where methadone use was planned.
SOURCE: Office of Applied Studies, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS). Data received through 2.1.2006.

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